March housing supply increases again this month in Lee County. Ellis Team numbers indicate single family home listings at 9,300, up from 9,208 the previous week. For reference, that same number was 6,694 last year. That is a 39% rise in listing inventory since last year.
Official figures from Florida Realtors have been running higher, presumably because they use out-of-area Realtors who list property in Lee County but not in our MLS. We won’t get official numbers for March until the 3rd week of April.
2-6 Weeks of Season
What is going to happen when the season is over? We might catch a break this year since Easter is so late, so the season might run through April. The other thing working in our favor is interest rates are going down, but not for the reasons you might imagine.
Interest rates have been heading down because there is fear of a recession. A little bit could be reduced federal spending, but we discount that because we are still spending too much, and the debt is growing. We are now spending more on interest as a country than national defense.
If the US enters a recession, it may be hard to work down the inventory. We expect there to be a lot of expired listings on April 1, as there is every year. The question becomes, how many of those listings will re-list versus give up?
What’s Different This Year?
We suspect many of those sellers will re-list, for the same reason they listed the first time. In a typical market, many sellers will test the market during season and sell their property, if they can get what they want. Many do, and they sell. Others don’t, and they keep the property and live to sell for another time. What’s different this year is many people chose to sell for financial reasons. Maybe they’re tired of insurance costs going up, or the HOA fees increasing. Some are tired of storms, or traffic. Still others have been called back to work in another state. Whatever their reasons, they no longer wish to own here. That is very different than someone who sells if they can get their price. The motivation level is different.
Price Reductions
This past week we saw 1,200 price reductions on single family homes in Lee County. The average reduction was 3.64%. This tells us more sellers are motivated and willing to get to where the buyers are. Sellers may not like where prices are today, but they know what they must do to sell.
All is not lost. If a property does not sell in season, it doesn’t mean it won’t sell until next year. It simply means there will be less eyes on the property in town because we have more people here in season. Buyers will go home and they will have eyes on the property from afar.
This is why marketing is becoming so important. How do you reach buyers when they have gone home? We reach out-of-town buyers differently than local buyers. A seasoned agent with a large marketing budget knows how to reach buyers from everywhere.
Call Brett Ellis or Sande Ellis 239-310-6500 to find out how we reach more buyers for your home. Who you list your home with matters. Price is important, but so is marketing. Sellers don’t mind cutting their price, but only after they know the home has been marketed for all its worth. If you feel like you’ve cut too far and your home still failed to sell, call us.
We are not here to solicit current listings from other Realtors. If your home expired and didn’t sell, why not get a 2nd opinion? If you are currently listed, have those tough conversations with your Realtor about price and marketing.
Get an online home value estimate instantly at Good luck, and may the season be good to you!
Is Now a Good Time to Buy?
Ellis Team Weekend Open Houses
Open Houses Saturday 1-4 PM
2513 SE 24th Ave Cape Coral FL
11056 Sea Tropic Ln Fort Myers FL
Open Houses Sunday 1-4 PM
4700 Castalia Ct Fort Myers FL
1811 NW 39th Ave Cape Coral FL
13716 Bald Cypress Cir Fort Myers FL