Many homeowners have no idea how much an agent’s experience matters when selling their home. Home sellers believe all agents do the same thing because they all sound alike. If all agents do the exact same thing, why not select the least expensive agent? It stands to reason the less you pay in commissions and closing costs the more will end up in your pocket, right?

Experience Matters When Selling Your Home

Big Difference in Agents

The truth is there is a big difference in what certain agents do, how they act, negotiate, advertise, and present your home. The result could be a difference in tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention keeping the sale together.

We all know some famous attorneys win more cases than the average attorney. This is because they are persuasive, knowledgeable, experienced, and know what to say and when. They also know what not to emphasize to a jury, and they certainly wouldn’t want to make a legal argument that is not applicable in their case, even though they may be very good at that argument.

The same is true in real estate. We watch agents answering objections with their go-to script because they are good at it even when it does not apply.  This tells us they are not listening to the customer, and they do not have enough experience to understand or answer the true objection, so they go with the one thing they know.

I guess if you know one or two things well you will make some sales. The question is, are you truly serving your clients? A seller may be hiring you to sell it for all it is worth. The agent feels great because they sold it in one day in a really hot market. Did the agent sell it, or did the hot market contribute to the one day?

Agents without business or experience will often discount what they charge because they must. They may not be in business next year anyway, so why not make what you can now? This is not necessarily in the best interests of the client, but the seller doesn’t know any better and neither does the agent.

This has been one of the best markets we’ve seen in our lifetime, and it may never come around again. It would be a shame to waste it away with an inexperienced agent who could cost you a sale and net you less than all it’s worth.

Almost always experience matters when selling, and perhaps now more than ever.  We do not have enough space to write about all the ways inexperience can cost you when selling. Obviously negotiating experience matters when selling. Knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Avoiding key phrases that sound good but only turn a buyer off is another.

What’s Your Definition of Marketing?

Most agents do not market a home. Sure, they stick it on MLS, place a sign on the property, and pray that someone else sells it. By placing home in MLS, it goes out automatically to Zillow,, Trulia, etc.  This is not marketing.  This is the same old thing all agents do because it is free. It does not make your home stand out, and it will not bring you Top Dollar!  If everyone, does it, how does it make your home stand out?

An open house flyer and a Free online open house ad is not marketing. It is an opportunity for an agent to pick up buyers for Free! Paid targeted advertising for open houses is another matter entirely.

Paid advertising is when an agent spends money on your home. Knowing where to spend, how much, and when is critical. Unfortunately, we have thousands of agents whose only experience is taking the first offer or two in a hot market. If that is all you’ve ever known, you don’t know how to extract information to get Top Dollar!

Experience Matters When Selling

Experience matters when selling your SW Florida home. Call Sande or Brett Ellis at 239-310-6500 We’ve both been selling here locally for over 34 years, and we’ve seen a thing or two. We’ve worked in up, down, and sideways markets and know all the right questions. Chances are we have all the right answers. Or visit to get your home’s value online instantly.

Register for our Ellis Team Mother’s Gift Package 2022

The Florida insurance crisis threatens home ownership by pricing many buyers right out of the market.  Most people do not realize what has happened in the last year, and they are about to find out.  Current homeowners will be affected at policy renewal, or upon policy cancellation.

Florida Insurance Crisis Threatens Home Ownership

Already we have a home affordability crisis. The Florida insurance crisis threatens to make the affordability crisis even worse. Let’s break this down into two areas. Flood insurance and property insurance.

Flood Insurance

The National Flood Insurance Program upgraded their program to Flood 2.0 What this means is properties that were previously in flood zone x and other non-required flood insurance areas have been reclassified.  Flood insurance may now be required.  The other startling fact is most properties that were in X paid an even $677/yr.  We are now seeing X properties with premiums over $3,000.

We have seen some flood zone A policies more than $6,000/yr.  If you already have a NFIP policy, they cannot raise your rates more than 18% per year.  However, after six years you will be maxed out at the new rate.  I just looked up a property that was $677 last year and now it is $6,4000 this year.  That is $533/mo, just for flood insurance. Now we must add in homeowners’ insurance, and we haven’t even gotten to that yet.

We would suggest calling your insurance agent to see if your property has changed.  There are some private flood policies available, but when they fill up, they stop writing policies.  If you have a NFIP policy, do not cancel it without taking to your insurance agent first. It may make your home difficult to sell without it.

Property Insurance

7 insurance companies have recently filed bankruptcy and three others have stopped writing new policies altogether. If you have a tile roof over 20 years old, some are cancelling policies. Others are doing it at 30 years old. Shingle roofs are between 10-20 years. We are losing options. If you are selling a home, you may be required to replace a roof. Even if you’re not selling, you may have to replace your roof.  Insurance for older homes is increasing rapidly as well.

Insurance companies are looking for any reason to not cover the home, and any reason to charge a higher premium. They lost a lot of money, and insurance companies do not like losing money. Insurance companies are risk adverse going forward, so anything that looks like it could have an upcoming claim is being excluded.

They are checking age of water heaters, plumbing valves, air conditioners, roofs, truss tie downs, etc.  Some homeowners are seeing their rates doubling or tripling, while others are being canceled.


Triple Whammy

Home buyers are being hit with rising flood and property insurance along with rising rates. It is limiting how much they qualify for. In fact, some buyers on new construction are cancelling contracts because the interest rates are higher now than when they signed contract and they no longer qualify for the loan. Same with the flood insurance on some lots. Homeowners insurance on new homes is still affordable.

Typically rising interest rates curtails prices because it affects affordability. We still have strong demand and a low supply of homes on the market, although it is rising. Listing inventory today is at the highest it has been all year.

Future of Real Estate Prices?

The question is going to be, will the number of people moving to Florida offset or exceed the number of people priced out due to rising rates? The answer to that question will determine the future of real estate prices in Florida. Marketing to out of state markets will be crucial to getting top dollar for your home.

If you have real estate questions, call Sande or Brett Ellis 239-310-6500. Or you can get an instant and Free online home valuation at Be informed. Rates are expected to climb rapidly in the coming months. The choices you make today could determine your future!


Should I buy Real Estate Now or Wait for Prices to Drop?

Current homeowners watching interest rates are contemplating whether to make a move in this market. Potential sellers are worried about where they would move to. They are also worried about financing their next home and how much more it might cost if they wait.

Homeowners Watching Interest Rates


We’ve talked a lot recently about how rising interest rates can dampen future prices. Rising rates not only hurt first-time buyers, but they also hurt move-up buyers.  Lateral and move-down buyers are hurt too if they are obtaining a mortgage.

The advice we give is look at your current situation. Do you love your home? Does your current home meet your future needs? If you love your current home and it meets your future needs, moving isn’t necessary. If your current home needs some expensive repair items like roof, air conditioner, water heater, etc. are you prepared mentally and financially to make that investment? Insurance companies are requiring these improvements, so they will not be optional.

6% Rates

Interest rates could increase another 2% or more this year. Waiting might seal your fate in your current home, so asking yourself these important questions are crucial right now. As agents, we are not here to sell you anything or convince you to do anything. These are questions you should ask yourself and answer yourself.

We are here to answer your real estate questions. When a homeowner comes to us with an idea, we help structure a plan to make that idea a reality. Or we point out potential deficiencies in the plan. There is nothing worse than starting a plan and not having it thought through.  We have talked some people out of selling because the back end of the plan didn’t have a realistic end game and we did not want to make the homeowner homeless.

On the other hand, we have helped some sellers devise a plan to accomplish their end goal in ways they didn’t know were possible. For instance, we have some lenders that will lend money at today’s current rates and allow the seller time to sell their existing home, all while only paying one mortgage payment.

Other times we have negotiated lease-back terms favorable to the seller to give them time to make their next move. The point is, there are options current homeowners may not have considered.

We Can Talk

If you are trapped in a home that doesn’t work for you, call Sande or Brett Ellis at 239-310-6500. We can sit down and talk about your situation.  We’ve helped many homeowners in the past because we listen to your situation and provide answers.  Sande and Brett have built their reputation on giving sound advice and not selling outcomes just because we want more sales. When you start with the consumer in mind first, everything just seems to work out the way it should.

Homeowners also like our home valuation website because it gives an instant value of your home. It is fun to track the value each month as the system gives you a new number over time, because the market changes. Many homeowners are not aware of how much their home is worth.

Do not make decisions based off a computer number though. The Ellis Team has been selling homes for far more than appraised value lately, so selling it for appraised value in one day might be leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table. The Ellis Team uses advanced marketing to reach the greatest number of buyers, not just the ones looking at national portal sites. We can target buyers looking for homes locally and from out of the area. Marketing is more complicated than ever. Anybody can sell a home in 1 day in this market. Few can sell for Top Dollar, and that’s where we come in.

Give Sande or Brett Ellis a call. Interest rates are rising in 2022 so this is the time to ask yourself an important question. After that, you know who to call. Sande or Brett Ellis 239-310-6500

The natural law of economics tells us that supply and demand will determine the price, but there are limits as to what a buyer can afford. Home affordability dictates prices in the real estate market. Individually one buyer may pay out of the norm for an item or house, but in the macro the market determines the overall value.

Home Affordability Dictates Prices

On average about 20.3% of a homeowner’s income goes to cost (principal, interest, taxes, and insurance) of owning a home. In 2021 that number was down to 16 which tells us there is room for growth in prices.

Rising Headwinds

This is the point in the party where the music stops, or at least skips a beat. Three out of the four items that affect affordability are rising. Principal is going up because more people are paying more for housing, so they are borrowing more.  Interest is rising and expected to climb much higher. Insurance is rising too as many insurers are pulling out of Florida and they are raising rates. The only thing not going up today is tax rates, but then again property taxes go up as the value increases.

If 3 out of 4 factors go up, there is a limit to how far each one goes up before people stop buying because they cannot afford anymore.  I would argue that rising interest and insurance costs are one day going to zap the upward pricing pressure right out of the market.  The question is when?

Interest rates fell from 4.46% in 2018 down to 2.74% in January 2021.  Since January 2021 rates have stayed low until this January where we’ve seen rates march higher.  Today rates are back up over 4% and going higher.  We have seen a runup in prices since those rates began to decline.

Real Estate Price Driver

In October of 2018 the median price of a home was $246,995 and the average was $327,081. In February 2022 the median was $410,000 and the average was $569,697. That is a 66% increase in median prices 39 months, and a 74.18% in average price.  This was possible due to interest rates declining like they did.

Today is the opposite.  Rates are going up quickly, and on top of rising rates we have rampant inflation also eating away at buyers’ income. Add to that rising insurance costs and we’ve got a recipe for home affordability rising. Can the line go above 20.3%? Sure it can, and it has before.  Each time it has it was followed by pressure on prices. Home affordability dictates prices, so we keep an eye on that going forward.

There is a limit to what people can afford. We are graced here in Florida that more people are moving here.  This is helping with demand. What happens when rising rates affect their ability to sell their homes up North? Will they be flush with cash like they have been the past few years? You see, these same economic forces work up North too, and when they are affected, it can eventually affect us down here.

We Have a Great Market

Nobody is saying the sky is falling or prices are going to decline anytime soon. In fact, many experts predict a 9% rise in home prices in 2022.  Experts sometimes get it right, but they rarely get the timing exact.

If you are a seller and your home isn’t working for you like it once was, you might consider taking advantage of this opportunity.

The Ellis Team marketing is still generating multiple offers and Top Dollar.  We do things a bit differently than most Realtors and we’ll be glad to show you how we do it. It is more fun to sell when you have multiple offers to choose from. What if one day in the future you don’t? Remember the days when sellers would be glad to just get one offer?

If you are wondering what your equity position is, we should talk. It is wise to review your equity position and determine if this asset still works for you.  Brett or Sande will be glad to help. Call us at 239-310-6500  for or visit for an instant and Free online home valuation.

Good luck, and we’ll keep an eye on the market for you!

Where are Real Estate Prices Headed?

See Last Week’s Article “Housing Market Priced Correctly in SW Florida?

For the past year we have been talking about how rising interest rates harm buyers by eroding purchasing power. Today we would like to focus on how the housing market correction risk harms sellers more than buyers.

Housing Market Correction Risk Harms Sellers More Than Buyers

In this example we have posted before, we illustrate a $350,000 home that falls to $300,000 in a correction. That is a 14.29% correction. Also shown was a 1.25% rise in interest rates.  The net effect to the buyer was only a $2 savings per month in payment. The seller on the other hand suffered a $50,000 loss by waiting to sell.

Housing Market Correction Risk

This is one of those times where it can cost a home buyer to wait because interest rates are expected to increase in 2022.  A market correction can really cost a seller to wait. Both can be hurt, but in this example the seller is hurt the most.

Next week the Fed is expected to meet to begin their interest rate hikes. It is almost certain they will hike rates .25% and some believe it may be .5% Inflation is rampant and may only get worse as fuel prices spike. Inflation hurts the low to middle income earners the hardest, so the US government is determined to slow inflation, even if it means slowing the economy.

As rising rates, rising oil prices, and rising inflation eats into consumers pocketbooks it can eventually eat into people’s ability to afford a home. Home affordability is an essential ingredient for rising prices. As homes become less affordable there is less upward pressure on prices. Remember, a 1% rise in interest rates robs buyers of 11% purchasing power.  If you rob enough buyers, eventually it will hurt the market.

Florida in a Good Position

Florida is better insulated than many states at is tax friendly and a desirable place to live. More people are moving to Florida than leaving, so we are a net migration state. Other states, primarily high tax states, are losing residents to states like Florida.

Which force wins out is anybody’s guess. The point of this article is that if a buyer waits and prices go down, they are no better off.  But if a seller waits and prices go down, a seller is definitely worse off. Since nobody can tell for sure how the economy will go and where housing prices will go, waiting to sell could be at the seller’s own peril.

We are not making a market prediction.  We can see scenarios where prices could still rise, and others where they could correct a bit.  The point is, it is not our money, and sellers are asking the question. If your home is not working for you, give Brett or Sande Ellis a call 239-310-6500. We can talk about your circumstances and discuss if now may be right for you to sell.

Nobody is Predicting a Crash

Markets do not go up forever, and corrections are not a bad thing.  Crashes on the other hand are bad, and nobody I know is throwing around the crash word except for hopeful buyers wishing they had bought years ago.

To find out what your home may be worth instantly, go to Not only will you get a pretty good idea of your home’s value, but you can also track it to see the direction of your home’s value.  Each month it will send you a new value and it is fun to see if your property is appreciating or declining and by how much.

Need a place to go. We can share some creative ideas other sellers are exploring that might be a way to cash out at today’s high prices. Give Sande or Brett a call.

See last week’s article “Inflation Home Affordability Perspective


Home Seller Workshop

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Today we’d like to give you an inflation home affordability perspective you may not have thought about. These days everyone is talking about how expensive housing is. But is it really? Yes, home prices have gone up, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.

Inflation Home Affordability Perspective
Inflation Home Affordability Perspective

We are including a graph, and there is a lot going on in this graph. Let’s break it down. In 1989 the Keller Williams research team took the national average price of a car, a home, wages, and the cost of a mortgage for that average home.  They then went back and adjusted each for inflation. Here is what we found.

Of course, all four went up in price. But after adjusting for inflation, the cost of a mortgage, even at today’s prices, went down 24.02% You might ask, how can this be?

The answer is mortgage rates are lower than 1989 which is making housing affordable. We have other graphs that show in 2021 16% of the average home buyer income went to paying their mortgage. Back in 1989 it was 24%, so home affordability is better than it was back in 1989. This suggests there is more room for price appreciation if rates do not rise.

What if Rates Rise?

What happens if rates do rise? That eats into home buyer affordability and can damper price increases.  If they rise enough, it could put negative pressure on home pricing. In the coming weeks we will post another graph that shows where home prices are today compared to where they should be on the curve.

The forecast we pay attention to suggest home prices could rise nationwide about 9% this year. However, home prices are out over their skis and could ultimately bounce back if they expand too much from here. A lot will depend on interest rates. Expect the Fed to raise their rates a qtr. point to half point in March. Most experts now see a qtr. point hike, but I would not be surprised to see the half point rise. Many financial analysts are expecting the economy to pull back the 2nd half of the year. One way or the other, inflation will be pulled back whether through a slowing economy or continued interest rate hikes. Therefore, I believe the Fed may want to act faster now than having to continuously raise rates later.

Nobody knows what the Fed will do. They should have moved sooner and had they we might not have need to raise as much in 2022. Of course, many mistakes have been made not just by the Federal Reserve. A lot of people are responsible for this drastic inflation.

We are not here to assign blame. We are simply here to look at how we got here, how we think they may address it going forward, and what that means for the local real estate market.

Call Us Before Prices Peak

If you are a homeowner and your home is not working for you, you might want to call us 239-310-6500. Do not wait for prices to peak. If timing the market is your goal, you have a 99% chance of not getting that right. You will only know months afterward if you timed it perfectly.  Even if you miss it by a few percent, you are still doing well. Remember this, when word gets out that prices topped and are heading down, buyers turn off.

No buyer wants to buy in a declining market, just like nobody wants to catch a falling knife. Some people must buy, but the ones that don’t will continue to rent and wait for prices to come back down. When this happens, they will have no mercy on sellers. Sellers did not care that they put in 20 offers on homes and got none while prices were going up. When the market reverses, buyers will have no sympathy.

If you’d like to check your value online without speaking to us, you can at Not only will it give you your home’s value, you can also check to see your value each month and see if it is appreciating or declining.

Always call Sande or Brett Ellis at the Ellis Team at Keller Williams Realty. We look forward to helping you get Top Dollar for your home!

Ellis Team Weekend Open House

3914 NW 41st St Cape Coral

Cape Coral Pool Home

Cape Coral Pool Home

Today we are reporting SW Florida single family daily inventory levels down 23.66% since Dec 8th, 2021. In roughly two short months we’ve managed to whittle down single-family inventory by 332 homes in Lee County. Back in December inventory stood at 1,403 homes and today it stands at 1,071.

Daily Inventory Levels Down 23.66% Since Dec 8

Sellers can attract multiple offers if their home is marketed correctly and choose from an array of buyers.  Buyers on the other hand are increasingly frustrated by the lack of inventory. They must compete with other buyers for fewer opportunities.

Dare to be Different

At the Ellis Team at Keller Williams Realty we work a bit differently than most Realtors.  This is why we are able to get our buyers into homes in an increasingly frustrating market. We are also able to get our sellers Top Dollar because we study the market in greater detail.

In a tense, stressful market it pays to work with a team that has been through changing markets before and knows how to operate.  The average Realtor has only been through one cycle. Therefore they do not understand what it truly takes to succeed for their clients in a rapidly changing market.

When the market makes a move, you must spot it quickly.  Our team is working the MLS every day and we track numbers religiously. When the market makes a move, we want our clients to know first.  Speed wins in this market.  You cannot tell where the market is going unless you know where it has been and where it is this minute.

We hope you appreciate us letting you in on some of the statistics we track and what indicators we look at when we give advice to or clients. We appreciate that so many Realtors read our column and share with their clients as well.  You do not want to be caught with week old data in a changing market. Unfortunately, we write this column on Monday or Tuesday before it prints on Saturday so it is the best we can do for readers.

Best Information Wins!

If you are in the market to buy or sell, you will want to call us for the timeliest information available.  We are listing properties one week, and by the time professional photos are taken and the home is ready for MLS we are adjusting. We have added tens of thousands of dollars to our sellers’ pockets by having up to date info on the market.

If we did a market analysis for you several months ago and you are thinking of selling, we need to talk again and update that price for you.  Chances are your home has gone up in value significantly, and the new data may affect your decision.

2nd Opinion

If you have consulted with another Realtor and did not like their opinion, perhaps it is time for a second opinion.  This offer is not an attempt to solicit a listing from any currently listed homeowner. We are simply saying your home may be worth more than you realize.

Our team has had great success already this year bringing several homes to market and getting Top Dollar. It is not uncommon to sell our listings above appraisal value. Buyers will pay above appraisal value even if they are getting a mortgage, and we can show you how.

If you are considering selling if the price is right, call Sande or Brett Ellis today 239-310-6500. We are experts at getting your home sold fast and for Top Dollar. Perhaps this is why the Ellis Team has been voted Best in Real Estate by News Press readers for 7 years in a row.

You can always use our online property value tool at or search the MLS at To get the timeliest information on what the market is doing and how to capitalize, give Sande or Brett a call 239-310-6500.


Good luck and Happy Selling!

I think it is safe to assume nobody studies the numbers for the SW Florida real estate market like we do.  Perhaps it is because I graduated with a degree in Finance that I study the cause and effects of the market.  This week I want to share a leading indicator.  The inverted yield curve predicts upcoming recession and stock market corrections.

Inverted Yield Curve Predicts US Recessions

Because of this we are better able to spot emerging trends that can affect our customers.  We were one of the first to predict the market change back in 2005, and back then everyone said we were crazy.  While we educate our customers first, I like to let readers in some metrics I will be watching going forward.

A lot of sellers are asking us if the market is going to crash.  My answer would be which market, the US market, or the local market?  For the record, I am not saying either is going to crash as the setup for this market is nothing like it was back in 2005. If it were to crash, or even suffer subtle setbacks it would surely mean that interest rates are rising, and the economy is faltering.  We know interest rates are already rising and predicted to go higher as soon as March.

Let’s look at the economy.  There is one leading indicator among others that predicts the economy, and that is the inverted yield curve.  Technically the inverted yield curve refers to the 10-year to 2-year spread.  Right now, the spread stands at .62% It has been falling since March 2021 when it stood at 1.58% difference. You can see it is declining, but it does that.  We will be watching to see if it reaches 0.

Did you know that the inverted yield curve has accurately predicted every single recession in the United States since the Fed has been publishing data on this back in 1976?  It has, and that is a scary accurate leading indicator.

This is why the Fed’s hands may be tied.  We have handled inflation all wrong heading into 2022 and it leaves the Fed with few choices.  They need to stop borrowing money and taper the bond buybacks.  They are doing this, and this program will take trillions out of the economy by end of March.  This will lead to higher rates.  Secondly, they must raise interest rates.  Some say look for 3-6 hikes this year.  But doing so could cause the economy to stall and lead to recession.  Recession is not good especially with such high inflation.

The working men and women in America are being hit the hardest.  Wages cannot keep up with rising cost of living and people are getting further behind.  If recession hits, some could lose their jobs.

Some people say the economy is on fire.  January numbers show 467,000 jobs were created.  Were they really?  We have 10.9 million unfilled jobs in the United States, and they report 467,000 jobs were created.  Perhaps 467,000 people decided to go back to work because they had to. Be careful which headlines you read.  Track your own numbers.

We cannot say what will happen. There are too many wildcards and too many decisions to be made by others.  We can report on what we look at to evaluate.  The inverted yield curve predicts recession before it happens.  It may or may not happen, but it will be fun to know ahead of time if you look at the right tools.

We hope you enjoy reading about how we analyze the market. It may be kind of geeky, but if you are buying or selling, it pays to know a geek.

If you are thinking of selling your home, call Brett or Sande Ellis 239-310-6500. We might be geeks, but we’re easy to talk to and we know our stuff.  Or visit for an instant and Free home valuation on your home.

Good luck and happy selling!

Open House Saturday 12-3 PM

12790 Meadow Hawk Dr $450,000

Home sale prices rose sharply in December climbing to a median price of $402,000 and an average price of $605,784.  Median prices rose 27.6% versus December 2020 while average prices rose 32.9% The number of homes closed dropped 13.2% from December 2020 primarily because there is less inventory.

Home Sale Prices Rose Sharply in December
Home sale prices rose sharply in December 2021

Cash sales accounted for 37% of all single-family home sales in December. We did see a 3.5% rise in new listings in December, so some homeowners have decided to sell while the getting is good. There were only 5 foreclosure home sales in the county and only 1 short sale. For those so-called experts that were predicting distressed sales hitting the market in 2021, they were sadly mistaken.

Sellers Wondering When Market Will Top

Many homeowners are concerned about rising interest rates, as they should be.  Traditionally rising rates limits home sale prices. While many financial gurus have predicted 5-6 Fed rates hikes in 2022, we are not so sure. Many experts believe the Fed will have a difficult time raising rates as drastically amidst a rapidly falling stock market.  While we have seen stock market volatility, it remains to be seen how the market will fare throughout 2022.

The stock market, and the real estate market’s future may be tied to inflation and what the Fed must do to get it under control. Taming inflation through the Fed is the toughest way to go and takes the longest. Typically, there is a lag between rising rates and slowing down the economy to fight inflation.

The president has so many other tools he could use than just using the Fed, but we doubt he will go that route so here we are. Today the 10-year note stands at 1.784. Keep your eye on that number.  Some believe it could go to 2.5 or even 3. Thirty-year mortgages are pegged to this number, so the higher it goes, the higher mortgage rates will be.

Marketing Muscle Leads to Multiple Offers

Last weekend we sold 3 properties. Both homes sold over asking price.  We attracted buyers both locally and targeted buyers in high tax states. Many open house attendees were from those high tax states we advertised in.

We plan to do a future article on how to properly evaluate multiple offers and how to negotiate them. Most people believe it is as easy as picking the highest price. Agents are getting very creative in writing their contracts. Financed offers are disguised as cash in hopes of winning the bid. It takes a savvy agent with experience to sort out true facts of the buyer which are critical in selecting the best offer. It does no good to select the highest offer only to find out buyer is getting financing and does not have money to cover an appraisal deficiency.

Some agents are writing ridiculous offers only to win the bid and knock the price down later when they can’t perform.  If they can catch the seller days or weeks down the road, perhaps they will be in a position where they must take less.  While this tactic is less than honest, it pays to verify facts before accepting an offer.

Strong Listing Agents

Real estate agents can be very pushy trying to get their buyer’s offer accepted. You need a strong listing agent to stand up for you. One that knows the local customs and has relationships with local agents. Nobody is going to push our sellers around. An inexperienced agent with less confidence might buckle when the other agent is demanding answers on their time frame instead of yours or demanding to know how high they must go to win. They know this is unethical and yet we saw it happen many times this past weekend.

Rest assured, when you list with the Ellis Team at Keller Williams Realty, you are in good hands. We are not saying all agents operate this way, but a few hungry agents desperate to get a deal did this past weekend.

Please call Brett or Sande Ellis 239-310-6500 or visit for an instant home value of your home.

Good luck and Happy Selling!


Market Update

New Listing-Open House Sunday 11-2

Mild inflation is a good thing because it means the economy is growing. Rapid inflation suppresses real estate and the economy and is not a good thing. The fed’s target for inflation has been around 2 percent the past several years.

Currently we are experiencing rapid inflation. Many US employees woke up to a 3% rise in wages on January 1st, and they are excited about that.  The sad thing is, prices are rising at 7% overall, and some things are much worse than that. Inflation is like a hidden tax in that consumers just lost 7% purchasing power on their money.

Everything is going up in price, from food, gas, clothing, cars, construction, etc. If you have a rise in wages, you are further behind because of inflation. Seniors will be hit the hardest because they live off social security and investments. They are not even enjoying the 3% raise workers are.

If you own a house, you might think that’s good because rising home prices will help protect you.  That may seem true right now, but it’s what comes next that might alarm you.

To combat inflation the Fed must slow things down.  There are too many dollars chasing too few goods and services in the economy. The Fed will be forced to halt stimulus. In addition, the Fed is ending bond purchases to take money supply out of the market. When that is completed in March, they will begin the process of raising interest rates.

You may have noticed rates have already risen. This is because the Fed has already begun tapering of the bond purchases. Many are now expecting 4 rate hikes this year instead of 3, and the rate hikes might need to be bigger than .25% The last time we saw inflation at 7% was back in 1982. To combat inflation the Fed raised interest rates in chunks of .5% to1%

Inflation Suppresses Real Estate and the Economy
10 Year Treasury Yield

Mortgage rates are closely tied to the 10 Year Treasury Note. As of today’s writing, the 10-year treasury note stands at 1.716%. Lenders use this as a baseline and add a percentage to determine today’s 30-year mortgage rate.

Rising interest rates temper consumer spending. If there is less stimulus and borrowing costs rise, consumers must spend less. When consumers spend less, businesses make less, and consumers have less in their pockets. Taxes may rise to pay for last year’s spending spree by the government which will serve as a double whammy to consumer pocketbooks. We will have an increased tax bill plus the hidden inflation tax leaving you with less money to spend. This is exactly what the government wants. They need to slow down the too many dollars chasing too few products and services. The economy feels like it is doing well now, but the bad medicine is coming.

There are other ways to tackle inflation. This government has not done that, and they will not use those tools, so unfortunately monetary policy will be the only tool they will use, and only reluctantly. Had they enacted the other tools or acted sooner we would not be in this mess, but now here we are.

It will not do any good to complain or worry about it. The bad medicine is coming. The fed may try to sweeten the medicine with more stimulus, but that is like giving pain pills to an addict. It is what helped cause inflation in the first place.

For every 1% rise in interest rates buyers lose 11% purchasing power. As the economy slows you eventually run out of people who can afford to pay rising prices. Back in the 80’s we had over 18% interest rates, and selling real estate was tough. Back then, home sellers had to pay thousands of dollars in buyer’s points just so buyer could get a loan that was legal. The US has usury rates which were the maximum rates allowed by law a lender could charge.  Because market rates were higher than usury rates, buyers had to pay points to buy-down the rate.  Buyers did not always have the money to buy-down the rate, so sellers had to do it to unload their property.  It was simply a cost of doing business in inflationary times.

Rising rates and a slowing economy will eventually catch up with the housing market. Using monetary policy alone is the toughest way to fight inflation and takes the longest. Rising rates are a lagging component of slowing the economy.  Monetarily, the sooner the fed tapers the balance sheet and raises the rate the sooner we will slow the economy.  Doing it slowly can lead to a recession.

Of course, if the government did this the correct way we could have avoided much of the pain that will come from doing it only monetarily. This administration caused inflation, so asking them to correct and reverse course does not seem likely.

Some people believe the economy will slow in 2nd half of 2022. Whatever happens, rates will rise, and the economy will slow for rates to be held in check.

To find out your home’s current value, go to or call Brett or Sande Ellis 239-310-6500 We can help you sell at today’s high prices. If you are a buyer, call us at 239-489-4042. Let’s get you in before rates go up.