May closed home sales rose 2.7% over last year’s numbers in May, showing that buyers are active in the market when affordability shows up.

May Closed Home Sales Rise 2.7% over 2023

Interest rates ticked down, which helped with affordability, and single-family median home prices were down 6.7% from last year as well. Both factors contributed to an uptick in closings and pending sales.

Pending single family home inventory is up 18% over May 2023, and internal data suggests inventory has capped in June even though official May numbers show inventory is still rising. Official numbers lag our internal data collection in real-time.


Lee County condos are another story. Closed sales are down 16.1% from last year, and inventory is up 122.9%. We currently have a 10-month supply of condos on the market. New pending condo sales are down 24.9%. The median sales price of a condo in Lee County was down 2.9% from last year. Some condos are easier to sell than others. Factors that affect salability include whether the master association has a flood policy, because this affects if lenders will lend. Other factors include the total cost of condo/HOA fees and insurance.


Forecasts continue from FNMA continue to show 2024 should be a better year than 2023 in closed sales. FNMA is predicting a 9.0% increase in the number of single-family home sales. This could be because inventory has been tight across North America, and they are expecting more to come on the market. However, this coincides with what we are seeing in SW Florida home sales.

Many people believe nothing is selling, and it only feels like that when you see homes sitting on the market longer. The reality is more homes are selling this year, so long as they are marketed correctly and priced properly. Buyers have less motivation than they did a few years ago, and higher prices, higher interest rates, and rising insurance costs caused this.

While home sales are rising, we can continue to see home prices fall more. 7.1 months’ supply of single-family homes means we are in a buyer’s market. Even though we are tracking declining inventory in June internally, inventory levels have only slightly decreased. Prices are a lagging indicator to inventory. Additionally, we’ve seen a 4-week reduction in inventory, but that’s not enough to call it a defined trend yet.

The Good news is inventory has stopped rising in June. Prices may continue to fall, but at some point, that will level out if we continue to close more units and inventory declines. We expect interest rates to fall slightly by end of the year, and again slightly in 2025. If we can get insurance under control and escape hurricane damage this year, 2025 may be brighter than 2024.

Prime Time

The 2nd half of 2024 may be prime time for buyers. Prices have been coming down while there is an excellent selection of homes available. Sellers are willing to negotiate, and rates are coming down a little. Buyers may lose some leverage heading into 2025 and may look back on 2024 as the prime time to purchase. Originally, we thought the first 6 months of this year would be prime time for buyers, but the timeline got pushed back because of inflation. The Fed was not able to begin lowering rates due to pesky inflation. We hope future inflation readings will be kind so the Fed can act later this year. The absolute earliest they would change would be at the September meeting, and it could go until November, depending on the data.

Home Value Tool

We’ve got a new tool on our website that provides an instant estimate of your home’s value. Additionally, it provides an equity analysis on your home, and allows you to ask questions about your neighborhood and the market. It’s a great way to explore home value options, even if you’re just curious about the market. Check it out.

And remember, Always Call the Ellis Team at Keller Williams Realty 239-310-6500 with your real estate questions. Brett and Sande are here to listen and help you.

Good luck, and Happy Selling!

Suspicious Activity in Fort Myers Neighborhood

Single family home listing inventory declines third straight week in SW Florida. Currently there are 6,417 active homes listed on MLS, which is down from 6,475 the week prior. This is a decline of 58 homes.

Listing Inventory Declines Third Straight Week

We decided to investigate what is causing the decline in inventory. Are more homes selling? Are sellers giving up and taking their home off the market? Did more homes suddenly go pending? These are all great questions, and here is what we found.

Listing Inventory Declines Third Straight Week

According to our MLS, 1,462 homes closed in May. We know the official number will be higher as Realtors from outside MLS’s could have posted some sales invisible to this MLS. In May of last year, we had 1,428 home closings, so we picked up 34 closed over the previous year. Total pending sales are down 28 from the previous week. This doesn’t exactly answer the question.

Next, we looked at new listings versus pendings and closings. New listings totaled 328. Solds totaled 260 for the week. Pendings totaled 325, so new listings outgained pendings by 3. There were 85 back on the market, and 79 withdrawn. The back on market could have been pendings that fell out but could also be people that had taken off market temporarily.

Bottom Line

 The bottom line is we cannot tell why inventory has peaked and declined slightly. We know nationally when interest rates decline, we see an uptick in pendings. Locally that wasn’t the case as total pending sales dropped by 28. Interest rates have declined slightly after the jobs report showing some weakness in labor and inflation moderating ever so slightly.

The Fed has said we are nowhere near our target of 2% inflation, but at least it quit going up and we saw a .1% pullback this past month. If they can see continued moderation of inflation the hope is interest rates could go down by end of year or early 2025. We believe once rates start coming down it could accelerate a little because there is a cushion built in by lenders due to risk. Once the direction of rates become clear, they might release that cushion.

The good news is that listing inventory declines third straight week and may have topped out. Back in 2022 we spotted a trend where listing inventory began rising in February. It wasn’t long until June 7th when listings began outpacing pendings, and we knew the days of rising prices were over.

Currently we have a gap of 4,452 homes between listings and pendings. We are nowhere close to saying price drops are over, but at least the trend seems positive.

We’ve seen a similar gap at many points in time going back to December of 2023. Fort his reason we cannot say the recent good news is sustainable or the start of a new trend. It is simply good news for 3 straight weeks, and we’ll take it.

Marketing and Price

Marketing and price are still the most critical components of a successful sale. The seller controls both right now. The seller determines who they feel is best able to market their property, and they control the price. The market determines the value, so when a home is marketed properly and the price equals the value set by the market, the property will sell. Failing at excellent marketing and improper pricing often results in a no-sale situation.

Always Call the Ellis Team

Sande and Brett 239-310-6500 can answer your questions on price, and our marketing is second to none. Or visit for a Free instant estimate based on local conditions. There is a reason Sande and Brett have been voted the Best in Real Estate 12+ years. We’d love to show you how our marketing and expertise can work for you. Who you hire matters! We’d love to earn your business.

Good Luck and Happy Selling!

Video of our New Home Value Tool.

Ellis Team Online marketing Program Producing Results.

Here are the ad results from last week’s Ellis Team online marketing program. We held two open houses, and for the purposes of this article we’ll show results from one of them.

We advertised 5407 Parker Dr online and several people showed up to the open house. In addition to our print ads, newsletters, email campaigns, signs, online portals, etc. we also do targeted and segmented online ads.

Ellis Team Online Marketing Program

The first ad result is from our segmented ad. The ad produced a click-thru ratio of 19.79% which is very high. There is a reason for this. The industry standard is 1-2%.  Of those clicks, our website converted 21.62%, which is also very high. What this tells us is we are reaching the right people, and they are engaging and learning more about the home.

Ellis Team Online Marketing Program Producing Results

The second ad was a targeted ad. It was designed to reach a larger group of interested buyers. And it did. It had a very good click-thru rate of 7.65%. It was not designed to gather customer info but rather expose the home to more people interested in real estate in SW Florida.

Both ads are different than traditional boosted ads because those ads are simply blasted to online users and not necessarily people interested in real estate.

What’s the Difference?

You might ask, what is the difference between a targeted ad and a segmented ad? A targeted ad takes data from Facebook,, Zillow, and other sources and targets people with an interest in real estate.

A segmented ad is Ellis Team Online Marketing internal data we have collected from tens of thousands of buyers for SW Florida. We know exactly what these people are looking for because they are on our website searching all the time. We are able to segment them based upon what they are searching for and serve up ads that meet their criteria. It is a much higher level of marketing. It requires technical expertise, and of course the data.

Because the Ellis Team online marketing program has been so successful over the years, we have data nobody else has. We use this data to benefit our sellers, and it works.

What it Doesn’t Do

The Ellis Team Online Marketing Program does not sell homes. It is designed to get our listings in front of the best buyers. Our people is what sells the home. Technology will not sell a home, but it can speed up getting in front of the right people. Our buyer agents are trained to be the best in the business. Marrying the best advertising with the best leads, working with the best agents equals a seller’s best chance at selling their home faster and for more money.

If a home is overpriced, the marketing won’t matter. The fact is some listings in SW Florida are overpriced. However, some sellers are reluctant to lower their price because they’re not convinced their home has been market properly. If a home is marketed like the Ellis Team online marketing program, the problem is not the marketing. It’s the price.


Some might say, it’s not the price, it’s the condition. Again, it is the price for the condition the property is in. Can a seller improve their value by improving the condition? Yes, they can minimize the loss in value due to condition, or neglected upgrades.

A seller will never know the reason their home did not sell if the home was not marketed for all its worth. If you have a home that did not sell, call Sande or Brett Ellis at 239-310-6500. We can take a look at the marketing your agent did and the price and help you make some decisions.

If you’re thinking of putting your home on the market, why not start out at the Top? Call us today, or email us at or We’ll help you sell your home and onto your next venture.

Find out what your home is worth online instantly.

Good luck, and Happy Selling!

Lee County single family home seller price reductions averaged 3.31% in the past 9 weeks.  The last 7 days in Lee County saw 797 price reductions which was the highest number since April 23rd.

Home Seller Price Reductions

Last week’s home seller price reductions averaged 2.97%. This means that sellers on average are reducing the price of their home by around 3% in hopes of finding the correct price for their home. The Southwest Florida real estate market has been rebalancing itself since June 7th, 2022. That’s the official date single family home inventory crossed over the line and surpassed home demand. Since that date, we knew the upward price pressure was over.

Home Seller Price Reductions

The Ellis Team has a chart that tracks the difference between weekly housing supply and demand. The gap narrowed slightly this past week, but that is because there were some expired listings that hit the market June 1st.

Current Market Index

The real number we look at that accurately predicts home prices, and the future direction of the housing market is the Ellis Team Current Market Index. That number increased slightly this past week and stands at Feb 20th levels. We’ll be looking at this number closely in the coming weeks as this should tell us what kind of summer we’re likely to have.

12.26% of listed homes reduced their price last week. This number is back to the numbers we saw in April as homeowners tried to unload their homes before the end of season. To put it in perspective, the week before number was 8.85%. More home sellers reduced their price last week than the week before, but the average reduction fell to 2.97% from 3.09%

This tells us sellers are pulling the trigger faster trying to figure out where the buyers are for their home. Back in 2022 sellers believed the market was still improving when it wasn’t. Today most sellers realize the market we are in, and the ones who act accordingly and reposition their home sooner are winning the game. Those that react later end up taking less for their home later. Some price correctly the first time and never need a price reduction.

Home Selling Chart

We have a chart that shows the cost of overpricing a home in a shifting market, and the cost of reacting slowly to market changes. We show this chart on listing presentations so our sellers can make the best decisions for their home and can quickly analyze new data as it becomes available after listing. In this way, clients have an inside track on where the market is going and can make decisions that help maximize their home sale price.


What are your real estate goals? Some people get fixated on how much they are making or losing on one single transaction and forget about what’s important about the move they wish to make. At the Ellis Team, we are not here to make decisions for you. We do not push you or sell you to do anything. We may ask some clarifying questions so we can match our intensity with yours. Some sellers need to sell and want to maximize the amount they receive at closing. Others do not need to sell and are testing the market. If the market pays them a premium, they might consider selling.

It’s best to talk about your situation and be honest with your Realtor. A good Realtor can only help you when they know what is most important to you, and you work together as a team. If you’d like to talk with a team that cares and won’t try to sell you on what you should do, give Sande Ellis or Brett Ellis a call at 239-310-6500. We’re here to help. Or visit to get a Free online estimate of your home’s value.

Good luck, and Happy Selling!

Ellis Team Weekend Open Houses

Open House Saturday 12-3 PM

Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

April home prices declined 3.0% from last year, which was down 6.8% from the year before that. Median single family home prices in Lee County were $470,000 in April 2022, $438,000 in April of 2023, and were $425,000 in 2024

April Home Prices Declined

When we go back and look at March numbers they tell a similar story, so April wasn’t an aberration. So, what does this information tell us? Home values are still falling, however the greatest decline occurred last year. The SW Florida real estate market is still normalizing to the new market. It is rebalancing itself, and when prices reach a certain level, the market will be in perfect balance and prices should stabilize.

We think we are getting closer to the balance point. Pending sales are down slightly from 2023 levels and inventory is almost double what it was a year ago. Single family inventory levels began falling at the end of March but reversed that trend on May 21st and have started rising again. Condo inventory peaked on April 30th and fell in May, only to begin rising slightly this past week. Condo inventory levels are still down compared to April 30th.

Interest Rates

Interest rates are up compared to last year, but showed signs of falling until inflation numbers revealed it is higher than the Fed thought. It appears the Fed will not lessen the Fed Funds rate, which means mortgage rates may not fall in 2024 like the experts had hoped. Rates may stay higher for longer, and that may hold back the real estate market from recovery.

White House

The White House policy has not helped interest rates. Inflation is influenced by housing costs and transportation among other things. The US oil policy has led to higher fuel costs, which leads to higher prices in almost everything we consume. Combine that with stimulus, subsidies, debt forgiveness, and other giveaways and you realize the Fed is pumping too many dollars into the economy chasing too few goods and services. When this occurs, it leads to inflation. The government has got to quit giving money away and spending excess money.

More taxpayer money is now going to debt interest than defense and Medicare. If we don’t start paying down that debt, this will get worse by the year. We are nowhere close to paying down debt because we can’t even get to a balanced budget.

Election Year

Many are waiting for a change in the White House. Trump would immediately improve the cost of oil and reduce much of the migrant costs, but it is unclear whether he would cut spending in a meaningful way. His historic tax cuts raised revenue, and he may go that route again as the tax cuts are expiring. We think a combination of tax cuts and reducing spending is in order, but Washington politicians show no appetite for doing that.

Regardless of who is in the White House and congress, people want a change. Inflation and the business of politics as usual is costing the average family over $10,000 each year. That is like a tax, and it is hurting the economy and housing. Mind you, with that much money floating around, housing and the economy haven’t been too bad, but it could be better. As we get closer to the election, more people may make purchasing decisions based upon how they feel the economy and leadership will go next year.

April Home Prices Declined

Stay tuned, 2024 is going to be an exciting ride, and we’ll be watching and reporting on home sales. We believe now is a good time for home buyers to buy while sellers and builders are willing to work with you and selection is good. The market rarely stays the same for too long, and buyers have a slight advantage right now.

Find out the value of your home online

Good luck, and Happy Home Selling!