There is much debate about the local SW Florida real estate market and whether it is shifting. Experts speculate that it might because of everything from rising interest rates, rising prices, housing declines up North, to climate change. This makes selecting correct listing agent critical when market shifts even more important, which we’ll discuss later on.
One of the factors some experts look at when evaluating the market is housing inventory. New listing inventory numbers were just released, and we noticed a few things. First off, new listings increased 11% in October over 2017 new listings. Secondly, current listing inventory stands at 5,823 which is 17.9% increase over last year. So, what is causing this inventory buildup, and what can we do about it?
Inventory buildup is caused by several things including rising rates, decreasing home affordability, and false expectations. Sellers read that home prices are up 2.9% over last year, so they add 2.9% to the figure they thought their home was worth last year, and voila, they have a number. Different homes appreciate at varying rates, just like certain neighborhoods appreciate at different rates than others due to location, age, the finances of the association, amenities, etc.
Most sellers believe we have a runaway market while many buyers are fearful that prices are too high and should come down. The truth is both could be right, and both could be wrong, depending on the price range, neighborhood, and other factors.
Selecting Correct Listing Agent Critical When Market Shifts
In a shifting market, two things sell homes. Marketing and Price. Sometimes a correctly priced home won’t sell or won’t sell for full value if it isn’t marketed well. However, history is littered with examples of overpriced merchandise that won’t sell no matter how well it’s marketed. Marketing and pricing go hand in hand.
Other factors influence showings, like pet smells, kitchen and bath updates, the general condition of the property, etc. It all comes down to price though. What you have in it doesn’t necessarily affect value. For instance, I was in GA at a real estate conference and they drove me by Evander Holyfield’s home. I think they said it was a $30 million home to build, and it was in an area of acreage and homes worth a few hundred thousand dollars. If Evander would have sold that home back then, there is no way he’d get $30 million, even though he may have had that much in it. Who would buy it?
While that’s an extreme example, the same principal holds true. Cost does not equal value. If you want to sell, we must determine what the market is willing to pay. It doesn’t matter how much you have in the home, how much you need to buy your next home, or how much you owe. It’s just worth what’s it worth at this point in time.
Some sellers decide to wait until it goes up in value. That’s fine if they realize it could go down in value too. And, while they’re waiting for their property to go up in value, the thing they were going to buy with their proceeds might go up in value too. What if it goes up faster than the home their waiting to sell? They lose money by waiting.
We’re not here to talk sellers into anything or convince people to sell. We do offer common sense solutions, and present ideas for them to keep in mind so they can make the best decision for their finances. Buying and selling can be emotional, so they tend to have knee-jerk reactions. Once buyers or sellers get an idea in their head, it’s hard to come off that. That’s where a seasoned professional with years of experience comes in.
It’s one thing to know the market, and it’s another to know how to deliver information to buyers and sellers in a format they can digest to make good decisions for their family. If you’re thinking of buying or selling, call Sande or Brett Ellis 239-489-4042 and we’ll help you with your questions, or go to to find out your home’s value for Free online.
Good luck and Happy Selling!
Ellis Team Weekend Open Houses
Open House Sunday 12-3 PM