Local home prices slipped 5.3% from last year, down to $395,000. Median home prices were $417,000 a year ago and were $400,000 last month. What has caused home prices to slip in SW Florida?

Local Home Prices Slipped 5.3% in July


Inventory is up 77% over last year. Official numbers show 8,054 single family homes on the market this year versus 4,545 last year. And this is after many sellers took their home off the market and rented them.

New Pending Sales

While this number dropped .5% from last year, it’s actually not as bad as it could have been. In fact, pending inventory right now is up. We’ll see if this holds, or if some of these deals fall out due to insurance or inspection concerns.

Interest Rates

Interest rates today are about 1% lower than they were a year ago. Additionally, many sellers have been paying for interest rate buydowns for the buyer which has helped home sales. With falling interest rates there is rising optimism buyers may be able to afford to get back into the home buying business and may become more motivated. Of course, this assumes they keep their jobs.

Months Supply of Inventory

Inventory supply has swelled to 7 months officially. We calculated it at 5.39 months, but our MLS does not have every single listing. Believe it or not, some sellers will list their home with Realtors from outside of the area and they use their own MLS. Sellers should ask which MLS their home will appear on and make that part of their contract, but that’s another story.

Interesting Trends

The Ellis Team is noticing some interesting trends developing in the resale market. Keep in mind, when official numbers are released, they are always a month behind, and it pays to know what is happening in the moment.  We’ll be watching these trends the next few weeks to see what impact they will have on the market.

Thinking of Selling?

If you’re thinking of selling your home, now would be the time to call Sande or Brett Ellis. We will share our inside market statistics, so you know before the public does what the market is doing and how best to react. Imagine having a month jump on the stock market? Would that affect your decision on the stocks you bought and sold, and the timing? You can have that same advantage In the real estate market.


Having a jump on the market is beneficial, but so is hiring the best agent with the best marketing. Pricing your home correctly is important, but so is marketing. Any Realtor can list a home, but the great ones get your home sold for Top Dollar. Always call Brett or Sande Ellis 239-310-6500 to see how much we can get for your home. Just because local home prices slipped doen’t mean they’ll stay where they are. The market is always on the move.

Instant Online Price

Of course, you can also try our instant online pricing tool at www.SWFLhomevalues.com Our system will track your home’s value over time, even if you’re not ready to sell today. People love the tracking tools. While we have one of the best online tools out there, we still recommend validating the value with Sande Ellis or Brett Ellis if you’re considering selling. You wouldn’t want to leave money on the table based upon a computer valuation. Nor would you want to overprice it as well because the computers were wrong.


Due to recent industry changes, experience matters more than ever. Be sure to ask about commissions and how they are being handled, and which form the brokerage you choose is using. Unfortunately, many buyer agents are not fluent in the changes and need an experienced listing agent to help guide them. You can’t hire an inexperienced listing agent and expect to get over the finish line in this market.

Good luck, and Happy Selling! We’ll keep an eye on the market for you. Just call us when you’re ready!

Ellis Team Weekend Open Houses

Open House Saturday 9am – 3pm

914 SW 12th Terrace Cape Coral FL

914 SW 12th Terrace Cape Coral FL
Open House 9am-3pm

Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

10813 Dennington Rd Fort Myers FL

10813 Dennington Rd Fort Myers FL
Open House Bridgetown at the Plantation

Feautured Home of the Week


If you’ve been following our column, you’ll know that we’ve been writing about housing inventory levels falling since April. After more research we learned about rentals affecting housing resale inventory supply.

Rentals Affecting Housing Resale Inventory Supply

According to a leading rental agent, rent prices have been down 35% in the last three months. He mentioned there are 176 single family homes in Cape Coral alone that came on the rental market.  Because he has conversations with his clients, I asked him what is driving the rush to rent their homes.

Rentals Affecting Housing Resale Inventory Supply

The rental agent said many have tried to sell their home and could not, or just do not like the resale prices today, so they’ve decided to rent instead. This caused a rush of rental homes to enter the market, and some are still asking for 3 month ago rental prices.

Like the resale market, rentals are price sensitive. Whether you are renting or selling, you must price your home according to market conditions. For those that choose the correct rental price, those homes are rented within four to six weeks. For those owners that overprice their rental, it’s taking three to four months to rent their home. Presumably it takes longer for the owner to realize they are overpriced, and they eventually reduce rent until it rents. Our conversation didn’t get that far, but why else would it rent for more down the road?

Rent Vs Sell

There are three reasons why a homeowner would rent versus selling. First, they emotionally want what their home used to be worth and decide to wait until the market recovers to that point. Secondly, they may owe more on the home and need to wait until market recovers to pay off the loan. Third, they may decide it’s a good investment and would like to keep it. Perhaps they have a low interest rate and can afford to keep it until rates fall again.

We may never see rates get below 3% again. If they do approach sub 4% it probably means the economy isn’t doing well and the Fed is trying to pump the economy. If this scenario occurs, home prices wouldn’t be doing well.

Economic Projections

We just sat through an economic projection of three possible scenarios. The first was no recession, the second scenario was a normal recession, and the last scenario was a banking recession. Let’s pray for no recession or or a mild one because the outlook for home prices and sales time isn’t pretty if we hit a normal recession or banking recession.

Buyers and sellers should prepare for rates to come down, but it will take awhile, and real estate will lag while they do. Recovery will be slow.  If we enter a normal recession, home prices could be stalled or fall for 3+ years. And if we enter a banking recession, unemployment would rise dramatically and the economy could get ugly. We last saw this scenario in the Great Recession and savings and loan crisis.

The difference is today our country is in so much more debt than we were in 2006. Latest odds have the US entering a recession at about 70%. The definition of a recession is negative growth for two straight quarters, so we won’t know we’re in one until 6 months in.

Bottom Line

Real estate is moving, if it’s priced correctly. Those rentals will come back on the resale market one day, adding to inventory. For now, it might be a good time to sell while inventory is down. Of course, when all those rentals come back on the market, interest rates might be lower and maybe there will be more buyer demand to offset the increased supply.

We’ll keep watching the market for you. Always call Sande or Brett Ellis 239-310-6500 with your real estate questions or visit www.swflhomevalues.com to get your home’s price.

Good luck, and Happy Home Selling!

Ellis Team Weekend Open Houses

Open House Saturday 12-3 PM

6216 Emerald Pines Cir Fort Myers, FL

Emerald Pines Home Fort Myers FL

Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

10813 Dennington Rd Fort Myers, FL

Bridgetown at the Plantation Home Fort Myers FL

Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

914 SW 12th Terrace Cape Coral, FL

914 SW 12th Terrace Cape Coral, FL

Reduced home inventory supply is indeed good news for home sellers in Lee County. The overall monthly supply of homes on the market decreased from 5.67 months in June down to 5.39 months currently.

Price Ranges

 Every single price range decreased except for the under $300,000 market.  Even though closed sales are falling in some of the price ranges, they are being made up for in others. Perhaps the largest reason for the drop in housing supply is because sellers simply aren’t selling in the quantity they were back in June.

Reduced Home Inventory Supply Good News for Sellers

We have 302 less listings on the market right now. There was an increase in sold closings of 31 homes. This tells us that the drop in inventory levels has more to do with sellers taking their home off the market or less sellers deciding to bring their home to market. The decrease in home listings was not due to a drastic increase in closings.

Interest Rates

Interest rates are falling. It’s hard to get a feel for what they are officially because everyone quotes from a different base. For instance, Freddie Mac is reporting rates nationwide at 6.73%. This was last week’s rate to be fair. Other sources are quoting below 6% online, but there could be some points or closing fees involved to equalize the rate. Suffice it to say, rates have fallen, and they could fall more as the economy deteriorates.

Double Edged Sword

Sellers have been hoping for falling rates so more people can afford to pay a higher sales price on their home. The double-edged sword is that many are losing their jobs and businesses are cutting back, so there may be less buyers in the buying pool. The buyers that do have jobs may afford more when rates fall, but there could be less buyers overall.

Some buyers and sellers are holding off until the election before deciding to make a move. Americans feel less certain about their futures right now and they are looking for a reason to be optimistic. We just came off big inflation numbers where American purchasing power diminished, and now jobs are on the line. Some people are not optimistic about moving forward until they bring back a sense of control in their life.

We’re not sure the election is going to give them that, but we understand it as we hear these every four years.

Industry Changes

Industry practice changes are in effect. We predict several months of chaos as buyers, sellers, and agents figure out how to work in the new environment. Some brokerages have already figured it out and are operating as though not much has changed. Other brokerages and agents are in a state of confusion and don’t know how to move forward.

We’ve been telling readers for a while; it pays to work with an agent who understands what is happening and how to succeed in this environment. Our clients’ successes are literally in the hands of agents who are experienced and well trained to work in this environment. You must know the new practices inside and out to be able to explain it to clients. Buyers and sellers need this information to make good decisions, and unfortunately some are not getting good information or making the best decisions.

The good news is, even if a seller doesn’t understand the practice changes and makes a decision they later wish to change, they can. And you don’t have to switch agents or brokerages to make the change. Sit down with your agent and ask questions. If you’re unhappy with the results, make a change to the way they operate.


Buyers and sellers should interview agents now. Who you hire matters. The Ellis Team at Keller Williams is available to meet with you and discuss your options. You may or may not hire us, but at least you’ll understand better the options available to you and how they affect you. Take advantage of reduced home inventory supply levels while it lasts.

Good luck, and Happy House Hunting!

Ellis Team Weekend Open Houses

Open House Saturday 2-4 PM

5407 Parker Dr Fort Myers FL

Between McGregor and the River

Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

2752 Geary St Matlacha, FL

Matlacha Waterfront Airbnb home

Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

914 SW 12th Ter cape Coral, FL

Cape Coral Waterfront Pool Home
Waterfront Pool Home

Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

26236 Colony Rd Bonita Springs, FL

Affordable home with Kinetico water system
Affordable Furnished Home

This is the week real estate industry changes went into effect. Today we’ll cover those changes once more as this will be a whole new process for Realtors, buyers, and sellers.

Real Estate Industry Changes

Locally, effective July 31, 2024, the MLS compensation field has been removed from MLS. Sellers may still offer compensation to buyers’ agents to sell their property, but the amount can no longer be listed in the MLS.

Real Estate Industry Changes Implemented This Week

Buyer agents will need to call the listing agent directly to find out how much the seller is offering or view it on the listing brokers custom website. Offers may be placed on signs, newsletters, brochures, etc., just not in the MLS, or associated connected tools of the MLS.


Buyers must sign an agreement with an agent to tour homes. This agreement shall cover such things as compensation the buyer will pay the buyer’s agent for services, among other things. This does not mean that the buyer agent cannot accept payment from the seller, because they can. Any fee recouped from the seller will offset how much the buyer will have to pay the buyer agent. In many cases, the seller will be paying the entire buyer’s agent fee.

Buyers will have choices. If a seller is not willing to pay all or part of the buyer’s agent fee on the buyer’s behalf, the buyer can ask the seller to pay it through the offer. Or the buyer might decide to skip that property and move on to more buyer friendly properties. In the end, the market will dictate which properties hold the most value to the buyer. How the offer is structured will be a point of negotiation.


Sellers will make decisions at the time of listing how much they will compensate buyer’s agents. This offer will then be communicated to showing agents. Buyers will then make decisions about which properties they wish to see based upon the totality of their criteria. Buyer agent compensation may be a big thing to some buyers and almost negligible to others. If buyer agent compensation is not offered, buyers may offer less for the property, unless the property is deemed such a good value, and they don’t want to lose it to another buyer. Again, the market will decide the total value of the property based upon market conditions.

Work Around

 Buyers could go directly to the listing agent. In this case, the buyer will not need to sign a buyer broker agreement to tour homes. A buyer may need to sign a representation agreement, depending on the brokerage, but this will not require a compensation agreement.

Listing agents will in many cases be paid their listing fee plus a fee to work with unrepresented buyers because the agent will spend more time showing the property, educating buyers, attending inspections, and working both sides of the contract. The primary benefit of this arrangement is the buyer won’t need to sign a compensation agreement.

Open Houses

Buyers will not need to sign a buyer agreement to visit an open house. However, if a buyer meets an agent at an open house and asks them to show the other properties, then they will need an agreement.

If you thought buyers and sellers were confused before, these next several months amp up the confusion. The end goal is to have a more educated buyer and seller upfront.

Interview Before You Hire

The agent you list with now matters more than ever. Trust and reputation between agents will be more critical as communication through MLS is taken away. The buyer’s agents will show homes that offer the best relationships and efficient communication. If a buyer’s agent calls a listing agent with compensation questions and the listing agent doesn’t return calls, this will be a problem and that property may be skipped. This will harm buyers and sellers.

Agents know which agents do the business and who they can work with. Experience matters now more than ever. The next 6 months could be chaos, so working with an agent who has the tools and experience to handle these real estate industry changes will be critical.

Always Call the Ellis Team at Keller Williams Realty 239-489-4042. We’ll guide you through the process, no matter which side you are on.

Fun Real Estate Video

Ellis Team Weekend Open Houses

Open House Saturday 12-3 PM

10813 Dennington Rd Fort Myers, FL 33913

Bridgetown Pool Home


Open House Sunday 12-3 PM

2752 Geary St Matlacha, FL 33993

Matlacha Waterfront Home Fully Furnished