Here are the ad results from last week’s Ellis Team online marketing program. We held two open houses, and for the purposes of this article we’ll show results from one of them.

We advertised 5407 Parker Dr online and several people showed up to the open house. In addition to our print ads, newsletters, email campaigns, signs, online portals, etc. we also do targeted and segmented online ads.

Ellis Team Online Marketing Program

The first ad result is from our segmented ad. The ad produced a click-thru ratio of 19.79% which is very high. There is a reason for this. The industry standard is 1-2%.  Of those clicks, our website converted 21.62%, which is also very high. What this tells us is we are reaching the right people, and they are engaging and learning more about the home.

Ellis Team Online Marketing Program Producing Results

The second ad was a targeted ad. It was designed to reach a larger group of interested buyers. And it did. It had a very good click-thru rate of 7.65%. It was not designed to gather customer info but rather expose the home to more people interested in real estate in SW Florida.

Both ads are different than traditional boosted ads because those ads are simply blasted to online users and not necessarily people interested in real estate.

What’s the Difference?

You might ask, what is the difference between a targeted ad and a segmented ad? A targeted ad takes data from Facebook,, Zillow, and other sources and targets people with an interest in real estate.

A segmented ad is Ellis Team Online Marketing internal data we have collected from tens of thousands of buyers for SW Florida. We know exactly what these people are looking for because they are on our website searching all the time. We are able to segment them based upon what they are searching for and serve up ads that meet their criteria. It is a much higher level of marketing. It requires technical expertise, and of course the data.

Because the Ellis Team online marketing program has been so successful over the years, we have data nobody else has. We use this data to benefit our sellers, and it works.

What it Doesn’t Do

The Ellis Team Online Marketing Program does not sell homes. It is designed to get our listings in front of the best buyers. Our people is what sells the home. Technology will not sell a home, but it can speed up getting in front of the right people. Our buyer agents are trained to be the best in the business. Marrying the best advertising with the best leads, working with the best agents equals a seller’s best chance at selling their home faster and for more money.

If a home is overpriced, the marketing won’t matter. The fact is some listings in SW Florida are overpriced. However, some sellers are reluctant to lower their price because they’re not convinced their home has been market properly. If a home is marketed like the Ellis Team online marketing program, the problem is not the marketing. It’s the price.


Some might say, it’s not the price, it’s the condition. Again, it is the price for the condition the property is in. Can a seller improve their value by improving the condition? Yes, they can minimize the loss in value due to condition, or neglected upgrades.

A seller will never know the reason their home did not sell if the home was not marketed for all its worth. If you have a home that did not sell, call Sande or Brett Ellis at 239-310-6500. We can take a look at the marketing your agent did and the price and help you make some decisions.

If you’re thinking of putting your home on the market, why not start out at the Top? Call us today, or email us at or We’ll help you sell your home and onto your next venture.

Find out what your home is worth online instantly.

Good luck, and Happy Selling!

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