Today we would like to share with you three timely real estate trends we are keeping an eye on in SW Florida.

Timely Real Estate Trends

The first is median time to contract.  This is the amount of time it takes the average property to go under contract for sale.  As you can see from the chart, it rose to 79 days.  That is a 11.3% rise from last year in June, and up considerably from May’s 47 days.  For the year however, we are still at 64 days, which is down 9.9%.  We will be keeping our eye on this metric.

Timely Real Estate Trends Median Time to Contract

Secondly, we are looking at new pending sales which were up 28.3% in June.  Some of this is pent-up demand from the previous months and some is the fact that interest rates are at historic lows.  Buyers do not want to miss out on this opportunity.

Timely Real Estate Trends New Pending Sales

Lastly, we are looking at new listing inventory.  New listings rose 9.6% in June 2020 over June 2019.  The issue is, new pending home sales were up 28.3% in June and up 2.2% in May, while new listings were down 1.6% in May and down 33.7% in April.

New Listings June 2020 Timely Real Estate Trends

You cannot have new listings down over 30% and new pending sales up 28% without it eating into existing inventory.  Existing stood at 4,090 listings in June, which was down 28.5% from last year.  This is a direct correlation between the three metrics we are analyzing in this article.

It is possible this market just re-balanced to the levels we are at today.  Or, it could be that sales are not higher than they are simply because there is not enough inventory to sell.  In other words, perhaps sales would be higher if there was more inventory.

We are seeing the most housing inventory gains coming in the $250,000-$300,000 range and in the $400,000 and up range. Inventory is down below $250,000 and flat between $300,000-$400,000.

Other Timely Real Estate Trends

Another trend we are seeing is agents from Miami coming over here with their clients and attempting to sell property over here.  Official June numbers show Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade areas with 3.9 months supply of homes on the market.  Lee County has 3.6 months, so technically we have less supply than they do relative to number of home sales.  It is possible they dipped recently and are sniffing over here for available properties to sell.

We saw this trend back around 2005.  It’s not fun because usually they have pre-qualification letters from Miami based lenders and we did not always find them to be legitimate.  More times than not, those buyers failed to qualify even though they had an out of town lender tell us they were golden.  It got so bad that local Realtors would require a local lender look at the buyer to make sure they were indeed qualified.  When I look at a pre-approval letter, I want to know that buyer can perform before taking it off the market for our seller.

The buyer may have been qualified, who knows.  In the end, the lender could not get the job done, and that gave agents fits because they worked so hard to find a qualified buyer only to find out they weren’t qualified, or the lender couldn’t perform.

No matter where you purchase, we tell customers to use a local lender, or a national lender with a reputation for results.  Otherwise local agents won’t trust your pre-approval letter and your offer may not get accepted, especially if there are multiple offers.  You do not have to use the local lender, just get a pre-approval from one so the sellers know you are qualified.

Realtor You Hire Matters

In a shifting market, the Realtor you hire matters.  This is true on the buying and selling side.  Always work with an agent that has years of experience in all kinds of markets, and several hundred if not thousands of homes under their belt.  The Realtor makes good money, and they are worth every penny when you need them.  It’s times like this when you really need experience you can count on.

Feel free to call Brett and Sande Ellis 239-489-4042 Ext 4.  We’re here to help.  Or visit for a free home value analysis.

See last week’s article “Refinance Existing Home Versus Sell and Purchase New Home

Watch the Future of Real Estate

New real estate listings rose 14.8% in August and are up 11% year to date.  New pending sales were down 3.4% in August and up 4.4% year to date.  Percentages can be misleading though, so let’s dive deeper into the numbers.

New Real Estate Listings Rose 14.8% in August

New Real Estate Listings Rose 14.8% in August

New listings in August totaled 1,423.  This was up from 1,240 last year.  In August 1,226 properties went pending.  This means 203 more properties came on the market than went pending.  The total inventory of active listings regardless of how long they’ve been on the market rose to 5,307.  This is a 13.7% increase over last year, although it’s practically the same as the month previous.

New Real Estate Listings Rose 14.8% in August New Pending Sales Slid

Our month’s supply of inventory rose to 4.9 months in August.  This is the exact same as July, however it is an 11.4% increase over last year currently.

So, what do these numbers tell us?  Statistically we still have a seller’s market.  Anything less than 5.5 months supply of inventory is considered a seller’s market.  Median prices rose 4.6% over last year while average sales prices rose 2.3%.  Prices are rising, although the rate of rise is leveling off.

Nationwide the Case-Schiller Index was just released for July and it showed nationwide home prices rose 6%, which was smaller than previous gains.  They speculate rising interest rates are beginning to tap the brakes on how much and how fast home prices can appreciate.

Home sales slid .7% nationwide in July. Lee County home sales were up 9.1% back in July, and up 10.3% in August.  While we’re all affected by rising interest rates, SW Florida might be a little insulated because we didn’t participate in the price run-ups the past few years like others did. Our prices were flatter the past few years, and only recently have begun to rise substantially.

Going forward, buyers and sellers will need to do more research.  Sellers looking for top dollar will need to interview agents in search of the best marketing plan.  Anyone can sell a home in a rising market.  Some Realtor’s say price sells homes.  While we won’t argue with that, marketing does too.  And that’s where some Realtors disagree.

Advertising costs money and that eats into margins.  Some agents can’t afford to market homes properly, so they don’t.  They rely on the MLS and other agents to sell their listings.  As inventory begins to grow, the need for marketing increases.

You’ve got to find a way to make your client’s home stand out.  As inventory rises, their home is just another in a long list of homes on the market.  What makes it stand out?  Once you determine that, you must tell the world.

An agent can’t rely on MLS and real estate portals to do that.  They are nothing more than a directory listing of homes on the market.  Imagine searching through your neighborhood directory wonder which neighbor has the best home.  A directory won’t tell you that.  The MLS won’t sell your home, and neither will real estate portals.  If you’re thinking of selling, you should call the Ellis Team at Keller Williams Realty.  239-489-4042 Ext 4.  We’ll show you how advertising makes all the difference.

Buyers today are doing more research too.  As inventory rises, they have more to choose from, and more to learn.  Buyers must be careful though, because although total listings are up, they may not be in your price range or the neighborhood you’re looking for.

A good agent can help you sort through the maze of homes and educate you on the process. Buying or selling a home isn’t simple.  You may not realize it until you run into trouble, and then it can be costly.  Always call a professional.

To get an idea of what your home is worth, you can at It’s free and easy, and it’s pretty darn accurate most times.  For a more detailed analysis, call Brett or Sande Ellis and we’ll come view your home and show you what we can sell it for, and how much money you’ll end up with in your pocket at closing.

Call us if you need us 239-489-4042 Ext 4 and Happy Selling!