Local Winkler Rd neighbors scored a victory Tuesday night as county comissioners voted to continue the ban on all blasting on Winkler Rd due to neighbors concerns and past experiences.

This is a victory for existing residents, and a setback for developers as it will add extra cost to new construction, cost that must be passed on to consumers.  In the end, some projects may not be built if the cost is too high.

However, blasting county-wide is allowed as long as contractors follow certain rules.  See related article and video at NBC-2.

Below is a mild recap of what the Board had covered from 3/05-3/06. The accomplishments made, things in the works and special thanks to many who had devoted their time or helped out in some way.

I know I may have missed some and I apologize but do know everyone is greatly appreciated who has contributed their time, services and/or assistance either on or helping committees and even monetary donations for events. You are helping to make our Community a success. We look forward to even a greater year ahead!

Danforth Lakes Annual Recap—3/15/05-3/6/06

3/15/05—Current BOD elected

3/22/05—Decided on positions and responsibilities, bank acct sign—set up HOA website to keep all informed

4/06/05—Reviewed all current contracts/ins & financials in place w/MMI—started punchlist items for turnover w/Beazer—discussed problems w/sprinklers/swales & clubhouse. Discussed current rules & regs/condition of community –in order to enforce rules & regs determined changes should be made first.

4/25/05—Began review of current R&R.. Created turnover punch list for Beazer with Community wide meeting/suggestions.

5/05/05—Discussed clubhouse vandalism/things stolen/procedures, cleaning personnel & security. Discussed walk-thru w/Beazer on punchlist items created—towing contract discussion—discussed committees needed—S&W/B&G/Finance/ ACC

5/23/05—Clubhouse issues w/cleaning personnel/ Rules & Regs review line by line/ surveillance bids reviewed for clubhouse.

6/27/05—Met Community wide to review 6 pages of changes to Rules&Regs—new security in place at clubhouse.

7/11/05—Committees formed –B&G/S&W/Finance/ACC—towing co. in place. Speed humps discussed.

8/08/05—Overcharges from MMI reviewed w/new committee/ reviewed Beazer punchlist items and status/(really started questioning MMI with financials and other items not followed up on)

9/12/05—reviewed overdue hoa assessments//pool conditions reviewed//common area discussed//2006 budget talk//reviewed banking concerns and audit.

10/05— delayed to hurricane Wilma & Halloween

11/7/05—resig of a BM—terminated curr pool service—2 clubhouse break-in’s—setup personal contact with Beazer this month. Discussed concerns w/MMI services and lack of follow-up

11/17/05—budget workshop review with finance comm.

11/21/05—Discussed meeting had w/Beazer/reviewed turnover audit/discussed all concerns w/MMI over last 7 months//provided termination notice for 12/31.

12/5/05—agreed on credit due for janitorial services–budget approval—appt KO for BOD vacancy—Comm Welcome packs ready—discussed new bids from Mgt Companies—agreed on Hayden—delays started do to everything on hold for mgt co trx. Had the Entrance light lit on 12/15, and fountain out on the 20th…had to wait for new mgt co in place as of 1/1. But was told fountain would be shipped back to Wisconsin for service.

1/09/06—Met w/New Mgt Co./Rev of new bank accts/new contracts for cleaning & grounds—clubhouse procedures—new towing co discussed—request replanting quotes. Discussed fountain plans. Irrigation repaired. New landscaping Co. in place

1/26/06—Discussed roundabout incident 1/15—invoices not being pd by MMI—final turnover 1/23.

2/06/06—New financials reviewed/ delq assess rev/ violations & how to handle discussed—over 40 violations addressed since then—planned replanting of Blvd—approved clubhouse & roundabout replantings.

3/06/06—arbitration comm Appointed–up to 60 violations ///financial review of monies on hold by Beazer.///working on reviewing/pursuing over 11K assess fees due.//parking regulation changes made to eliminate street parking

Communication provided thru our website and Community emails throughout the year.


1.Thermostat in clubhouse
2.Clubhouse tiled
3.Added microwave, coffee pot & trash can
4.Blinds in workout room
5.Ceilings fans in workout room.
6.Workout room equipment fixed
7.added surveillance at clubhouse
8.Caught two break-ins to clubhouse and pursued
9.Clubhouse painted and decking power-washed— bathrooms repaired & painted
10.Resolved ant issue in clubhouse
11.Pool temp stabilized
12.New doorway in clubhouse hallway to alleviate moisture buildup & bugs.
13. Most all trees replaced/removed or staked
14. Tennis courts repaired
15. New drainage system around tennis courts.
16. 2nd block paving in Sheffield
17. Swales cleaned out
18. sidewalk replaced
19. Bike rack and benches in place
20. speed humps/sl signs in place
21. Rules & regs revised
22. Lighting at roundabout
23. Purchased folding tables for Social Committee
24. 60 violations sent in 3 months–yards, comm vehicles, & street parking being addressed.


1.Fountain hopefully in place by 4/15
2.Entrance sign by end of May(depends on permitting)
3.Replanting of Blvd begins the 24th (possibly 17th)
4.Roundabout finished hopefully by 4/15
5.Remaining mulch for Community by mid May.(tent)


1. All four committees: Building & Grounds(Glenda,Carol,Steph,Rich/Sean)///ARC-(Dan, Matt, Yvette, Robin & Crosby)//Finance-(Kathy,Randy) ///Social & Welcoming-(Kelly,Anissa,Christy,Jennifer)
2. Marty & Brenda sheets-(generosity in helping with all Holiday events)
3. Jim S for our cement pad for the bike rack
4. Sean Dean for all his time spent in completing many of the clubhouse tasks
5. Jim T for his assist with our sec sys and hrs spent with us at times of break-ins
6. Dawn for her help with copies made when needed
7. Donna R for assistance with distributing flyers
8.Tracy R, Misty K, Claudia & Sherry for help at Events
9.Social commitee again especially for the qrtrly newsletter/welcome packs that were started in January(see list for includes), Events planned for the past 3 holidays, coordinating a playgroup…working on coordinating a family picnic at Lakes Park THIS JUNE as we did 2/3 yrs ago—participation needed…volunteers needed for the new year!!


The Ellis Team hosts a weekly real estate radio show offering tips and insight you won’t get anywhere else.  Each week The Ellis Team (Top Agents in in SW Florida and the country) bring their experience and knowledge to listeners, making it one of the weekend’s most popular shows.

Tune in each week at AM 1240 in Lee and Charlotte Counties or AM 1270 in Collier County at 11:00 AMon WINK WNOG

You can listen to past shows online

Bob Reed, a buyer specialist for the Ellis Team at RE/MAX Realty Group recently made the news.  Bob Reed is a tarpon club member and a former fish population biologist at the University of California, and is featured in this News Press story.

Bob has won the Tarpon Club’s tarpon tournament several years and proudly displays his trophies in our office.  Bob is our official fishing expert and is extremely helpful with waterfront property.

This is not the official notes from the meeting:

It was determined that they had a quorum.  Meeting was held.  All ammendments failed due to lacking the 66.66% needed for approval, although many of the ammendments received over 470 votes which was pretty impressive to even get that many votes.

Annual meeting was adjourned and the Board meeting was convened.

Board voted to impose a $500 assessment, or add approximately $90/mo increase in HOA fees per month for approximately 6 months to cover cost of new gate system at each entrance.  Gates would be swinging gates and of the highest quality.

There was discussion from two board members that a survey was only conducted on the two main entrances and not on every entrance in the community.  Another board member pointed out that while he wish the survey was all-inclusive, it’s been three long years with broken gates and construction type gates that were never intended for resident use and it’s been long enough.  The other Board members were generally in favor of the gates after weighing all issues including not being able to enclose enitre subdivision because of commercial property and Promenade apartments.

There was much discussion from audience, with mixed resluts.  While not scientific, most seemed to want gates that work.  Disagreements were of the type and locations, while a select few didn’t want any at all.  Discussion was lively and for the most part polite.

Gates will include a fast bar to prevent hitting gates or sneaking in, and will utilize a key card system ttransponer, and vendor codes along with a telephone unit to call homeowners at their home.

Walk-in gates will include a key card system to prevent pedestrians from entering community.  It was noted that no system is fool-proof.  If a thief wants to beat the system, they will.  They were careful not to call it a security gate, rather a traffic control gate.

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Plus, it has mapping, neighborhood demographics and much more on this website.

Search the MLS for homes in Danforth Lakes.  Well, not really the actual MLS as only licensed agents have access to that, but this is the next best thing because it get’s it’s data feed directly from the MLS.

Plus, it has mapping, neighborhood demographics and much more on this website.