Last week we wrote about the influence of mobile marketing and how it’s influencing real estate buying. We must have touched a nerve because the last portion of the story was about a new mobile app and several people emailed asking for the link for this free tech tool. Mobile Apps For Real Estate!

Because there was so much interest, we decided to do a follow-up and concentrate solely on this new app. Unlike other apps like Zillow, Trulia,,, the RE/MAX app doesn’t sell advertising opportunities per zip code to agents from various companies, so there isn’t pressure from agents trying to convert an advertising opportunity.
The RE/MAX app simply puts detailed information in the hands of the consumer and lets the consumer make choices. Most apps let the consumer decide when to request information, but RE/MAX isn’t selling consumer data to companies for profit. This app is solely a benefit to consumers provided by the RE/MAX network, and any consumer info is available only to RE/MAX agents when a consumer decides to reach out and request information.
There are some very cool things you can do with this app. For instance, if you have your GPS on, the app will show where you are on a map and show homes on the market in your area. Users can also enter search criteria such as number of bedrooms, price, location, etc.
The app provides instant access to homes in your search along with listing details and available photos. It also provides turn by turn directions to homes you want to see, interactive maps for navigating neighborhoods, and the ability to save searches.
There is an email option to share properties with your friends and family. There’s even an integrated mortgage calculator for instant calculations on how much the payments would be.
Sellers love the app because they can find out how their neighbors are pricing their homes. If a new home comes on the market, a seller can just look it up instantly. Buyers love it because as they’re driving around they have the power of knowing the price of each home, the details of the home, and pictures right in the palm of their hand.
For years buyers would call about homes they were in front of and be totally surprised at prices in a neighborhood. This free tool is a powerful education technology that will save buyers much time. Buyers still seek out quality, professional agents to answer their specific questions the Internet cannot, but this piece of technology sure empowers the consumer and shortens the learning curve.
Judging by the interest last week, we think you’ll like this tool as well. And best of all it’s Free. Simply email me and I’ll send you the link to get this tool for Free. Good luck and happy surfing!