Below is the meeting highlights from the April 17, 2006 Danforth Lakes Homeowners Association Board Meeting.
Highlights from meeting minutes from 4/1706:
B & G Comm- request made for Clubhouse baseboards to be painted by Carlos Rocha for $100. Request for $400 for Carlos Rocha to paint Exercise room(satin-eggshell) & molding/repair any holes.
Request for J. Swedenburg to cement area coming into parking lot on right by sidewalk for $125 once sprinklers capped by GS.
Clarified items for S. Dean to complete: 1. Gate in playground area needs to be fixed – Approved 3/6 for $75 per quote provided.
2. Fix the Tot Lot water run off problem – Approved for $75 per quote to reroute pool drain out of playground (tot-lot mulching quote for $3750.00 was NOT approved–additional quotes being reviewed at this time) Hayden to ask about quote from GS to remove old mulch and add some rock directly under play equip before adding mulch..(already have quote for $348.74 # 15723 to add 94 bags of mulch)
3. No Smoking Sign at pool – Approved .One indicates the actual smoking area just outside the Clubhouse and the other inside the pool area for no smoking.
4. Dead Bolt needed on door in vestibule – Approved 4/15/06 meeting.
5. Air Conditioning Vent in vestibule – Approved in Feb at the same time that the door was and in quote that was provided.
G. Landon also request for another possible handyman helper to help with things around Commun.
6. Fining Committee – Fining comm. will remain in place at this time with start of new
Board year. Fining committee made recommendations to the Board from the first fining hearing held on 4/12/06 which included 5 homes. Board reviewed recommendations(per report).
7.Property Mgt Report-Ken Hayden was not present to provide report for March. To
provide for March & April at next schedule BOD meeting to be held on 5/15/06.
8.Correction regarding rule #1 under USE & ENJOY OF LAKES has been amended per unanimous vote by the Board. The original verbiage read:
1. "Owners, or the family members, guests, invitees and tenants of Owners, shall be permitted to fish in the lakes. Notwithstanding the preceding, an Owner of the Lake Lot (i.e. all or portion of their rear or side property lines lies common with a portion of a lake), may access the lakes from that portion of their Lot that shares the common boundary."
1. "Owners, or the family members, guests, invitees and tenants of Owners, shall be permitted to fish in the lakes on common grounds other than such areas that border either deeded preserve or deeded lake lots."
2. "No persons shall encroach upon these areas (deeded preserve or deeded lake lots) without permission of the land owner. Nor shall any pets be permitted on these described preserve & lake lot areas. This does not apply to maintenance workers or those taking part in official duties. Notwithstanding the proceeding, an Owner of the lake lot (all or portion of their rear or side property lines lies common with a portion of a lake), may access the lakes from that portion of their lot that shares the common boundary."
FP to make correction on rules & regs and send to Ken. Community will also be notified.
9. Soc & Wel Comm—K. Evers & J Miles provided a 2006 budget for board to review seeking funds to help assist with Community events. Board approved $75 towards the next 5 welcome baskets that will be needed for new residents. FP will chair the committee
this year to help with organization & communication aspects. Discussed Family picnic at Lakes Park. Comm will get together to establish date, create flyer to determine how many will be interested…will then review with BOD as far as funds to be able to provide hamburgers & hotdogs for the event. Comm agreed they would meet with BOD on a regular basis (qtrly) to give updates and discuss any needs.
10. 2006 Priorities/Reorg—discussed priorities for this year: Grounds/Fountain/Entrance
Sign/addressing violations. BC/BW & FP will remain in their positions. KO is now Treasurer and JL-Director.
11. Financials– Hayden not present to address a few concerns regarding delq dues & the status of utility deposits requested back in Feb.—tabled til next meeting. All BOA accounts are now closed.
12.Roundabout Update—discussion arose about what took place w/roundabout and proposal #14446. BOD not happy as what was approved was not followed thru on. Hayden not present to discuss—tabled til next meeting 5/15.
13. Blvd Planting– DFL Blvd planting— has begun today 4/17—to be completed by 4/21.
14. Downed Trees– Discussed Greenscapes and to again request Hayden to instruct them to remove/stake all downed trees on common grounds as previously requested in Feb & Mar:
•Involved areas include: 3 Trees on common ground areas around 12815 Aston oaks common ground area. (lot 136 area per site map)
•Tree(s) on common ground around 8749 Fawn ridge but going straight towards Westchester on left (lot# 1 area per site map going into Westchester)
• Tree right on Palomino Common Ground before Entrance–Big Oak tree hanging now touching the ground. Across from 8924 Cedar Hollow (lot 112) but on Palomino common ground
BW is willing to meet with whomever while they are out to indicate areas if
needed. IMMEDIATE action is requested for this work to be completed no later than next BOD meeting scheduled for 5/15. FP to email Hayden with request to have GS take care of next visit out.
15. Sign damage to cul-de-sac roundabout. BC has spoken to the person who hit the sign. Resident is set up to pay back in monthly payments for the next 6 months due to no insurance. If he falters in any way case will be referred to the association’s attorney.
16. Speed humps—have been completed. Cougar was out today 4/17 for final shaving.
17. Fountain Update— BW spoke with George…fountain is waiting on one last part and can then be shipped back and immediately put back in. Should have update no later than next week.
18. Violation review: Discussion of the newest violation list emailed on 4/13/06.
19. Clubhouse Vand update—accused had hearing and will pay restitution until paid in full as well as Community service…(not our Community) other accused has denied and hearing to continue the end of next month.
20. Entrance Sign—BC putting into permitting/design being finalized. Hoping to have completed by end of May.
21. Insurance Update: KO & BW met w/Hayden to discuss current insurance with Oswald Tripp—requested he obtain other quotes to compare pricing.
NEXT MEETING: May 15th, 6:30 PM at the Clubhouse
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