The Ellis Team is happy to report increasing open house attendance as we kick off season in SW Florida. In fact, we noticed this trend started in December which is not normally a big open house month.

Increasing Open House Attendance

Will increasing open house attendance lead to more sales in 2025? So far it has not, but you must begin somewhere. For people to go out and look at open houses means there is some level of interest in making a move. For some, it is changing their current home. For others, it might be adding a 2nd home in a far warmer climate. Whatever their reasons, they have some interest we haven’t seen in a while.

Buyer Motivation

Buyers are taking a cautious approach. When buyers fear that another buyer will beat them out on a scarce property they want, they act quickly. Currently, buyers are not viewing inventory as scarce, and they are not worried about losing out on a specific home, in most cases. Buyers feel like if one property sells, another one is either currently on the market or will come to the market soon. Buyer motivation appears indifferent, and indifference is the death of sales.

This could all change, and it will someday. When buyers fear the market is stabilized and other buyers could beat them out to a hot new deal, motivation increases. The problem is most buyers want to see evidence first. Nobody wants to take the first leap, unless of course they need housing. If you own a home, you may not have to move. A buyer may wish to move, but they may not have to. Ironically, a buyer that needs to sell a home first is selling in the same market they are buying. If a buyer waits for their property value to rise, the property they wish to buy may also rise.

Real Winners

The real winners will be the renters that come off the fence and have nothing to sell. These buyers have excellent choices because we have inventory. They are not competing with thousands of buyers right now. A buyer can lock in today’s low prices, and perhaps someday lower the monthly cost if interest rates decline.

This reminds me of a graphic I saw on social media that hit home. Buyers today, because of the herd mentality, feel safe when everybody is buying, but somehow feel unsafe when few are buying. Logically we know it is better to buck the herd and buy when others are not and sell when everybody is buying, but that’s not what we as humans do.

Increasing Open House Attendance

Increasing open house attendance is the first stage of buyers exploring their options. They are curious, and beginning to wonder if the time might be now to dip their toes in. Should we get any bit of encouraging news, like lower interest rates, a major trade deal, or regional announcements like a major company moving here, this could give buyers the confidence they need to move forward.

Many people do not realize Amazon just made a major land purchase here in Fort Myers and plans on opening a new warehouse, in addition to their operations off Alico Rd. Announcements like this can be the catalyst for buyer confidence. Buyer confidence is momentum, and all it takes is a change of direction for it to move the needle.

If you’re curious about buying, check out It has ways to search you cannot find on the major portals, so more ways to find that hot buy. If you’re thinking of selling, check out This site will give you an instant estimate of your SW Florida’s home worth, and will help you track the value over time.

You can call us at 239-489-4042 and we can help you with your options.

Good luck, and Happy House Hunting!

Featured Home of the Week

5839 SW 1st Ct Cape Coral FL

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