January is one of my favorite months. Not only is January a new month, but it’s the beginning of a new year with fresh goals, resolutions, and outlook on the future. It also happens to be the month the CyberStars meet each year.
Perhaps you’ve never heard of the CyberStars. They are a group of top producing agents who are on the cutting edge of technology and learn ways to apply those ideas and techniques to their already successful real estate practice benefiting their clients in any market conditions.
The CyberStars are 225+ agents from the US, Canada, and as far away as Australia. I love attending the Summit held each year because the information shared is so incredible. For years the Ellis Team has innovated and brought new ideas to SW Florida, but one person or one team can’t know it all. Sure, we’ve gladly shared what we’ve developed with Realtors from across the country, and we do so with CyberStars as well. The real treat in attending this conference is it’s a chance to sit back and listen to what other innovative top producing agents are doing to help their clients.

Believe me, if an idea works in California, Texas, or Australia, it’ll work in Florida. Sometimes we just need to get out of our little sandbox and see what the rest of the world is doing.
This year on the 2nd day there is a session on using video in your real estate business. This is an advanced session and I’m excited to get some new ideas in this area. Most people locally know we produce a show on the Internet. It can be found at www.YouTube.com/brettellisfl It currently has about 108,000 views so anything we can do to add to the content and value to the public will benefit our team and the local real estate market.
There is another section on Virtual Tours. Again, we do this and they can be found at www.TopAgent.com, but I’m thinking there will be some new and neat tips on bettering our tours.
Mobile marketing is a big topic today as more buyers are using their mobile phones and tablets to search for properties. I’ll be teaching a session on this along with a few other agents, but I have a feeling I’ll be taking lots of notes as well. I believe mobile marketing is only going to get bigger and bigger and we want to lead, not follow if that’s where buyer’s eyeballs are headed.
Social media is another topic we can all learn tips on. We use LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook Fan Pages, our Blog, Pinterest, and several more. These are time consuming and I’m hoping to pick up tips on how to be more effective and more efficient with our social media strategy.
In addition to 3 days of learning sometimes the best ideas are shared at lunch or dinner strategizing with other forward thinking agents. Sometimes I go out there with an idea and an agent points something out that would really improve that idea. It’s so nice to hang around agents who use technology and see the vision. These people are truly the creators and they love to share.
So if you bump into us next week chances are we’ll be all pumped up with new ideas to bring back to SW Florida and implement here locally. If you’re thinking of buying or selling your home, give us a call. We’ll be glad to show you how we’re reaching today’s buyers using traditional marketing and today’s technology, CyberStar style! We can be reached at 239-489-4042 or on the web at Topagent.com