If you are in the real estate industry you were influenced by Howard Brinton whether you knew him or not. Howard was the founder of Star Power Systems, the most powerful training organization in the real estate industry. Real Estate Industry Loses a Legend!

Howard was a top producing agent selling around 500 homes per year in his prime. Howard burst onto the scene nationally as an instructor for CRS (Certified Residential Specialist). Howard always believed success leaves clues so he set out to interview Top Agents throughout the country and identify what they did that worked.
The Ellis Team attended sessions Howard did at national conventions, CRS classes, and Star Power conferences. The information Howard and the Stars shared worked. It was proven on the street. The Ellis Team was so influenced by Howard and the Stars over the years that brought back many of the ideas to SW Florida.
The Ellis Team was the first true real estate team in SW Florida. Many agents worked as loose partnerships, but none as a true team until Howard taught the systems to make it work. We ran an ad in the early 90’s that we picked up from Star Power that read “By the Year 2010 All Agents Will Operate as a Team .” This was quite controversial in its day, and many agents called up and complained.
Several years later teams spread across the country and a large volume of business was handled by teams. Not every agent works as a team, but Howard sure changed the landscape.
Howard also taught Realtors how to effectively price homes, answer objections, and how to listen to uncover needs. He called it “Going 3 Deep.” I hear agents complain “Buyers are liars.” Howard taught us they’re not liars, you just didn’t ask enough questions. Buyers will tell you everything you need to know if you just ask the right questions and listen.
Howard taught us the concept of getting out of judgment and into curiosity. I recall hearing ideas early in my career and thinking, “I can’t do that, or that won’t work in my market.” The truth is, those were judgment statements. By suspending judgment we learn to listen and say “What if?” If we stay in curiosity chances are more answers will come to us than if we just dismiss them at first glance.
We were fortunate to grow and become a top team in the country because of Howard. In 2001 Howard asked us to become a Star and share our knowledge with Realtors across the world. It was truly an honor. A few years later Denny Grimes was selected to become a Star based upon many practices he put into place from Star Power.
When you went to a Star Power conference you’d hear ideas coming at you a mile a minute, almost as if it was shot out of a fire house. You couldn’t implement all of them at once, but you knew if you didn’t, someone else at the conference would.
The Ellis Team was the first in SW Florida to incorporate many things, but not everything. Denny actually beat us to the punch with a moving truck for clients, an idea presented at Star Power.
This is why I say even if you never heard of Howard you were influenced by him because you were either implementing ideas or your competition was and you were forced to react.
We know that by sharing our ideas to Realtors across the world that many would be copied here locally, but that’s OK. Howard always said, you can innovate faster than people can copy, and most people won’t copy all your ideas anyway out of fear. Many ideas cost money, and we had the vision because of Star Power to know the idea would work. People copying didn’t have that vision, they only saw what you were doing.
One page isn’t nearly enough to describe Howard. He was generous, a leader, humorous, and a true friend. We’re so privileged to have known him and worked with him. Whether you knew Howard or not, please say a little prayer for his family. Chances are Howard paved the way and made your work or personal life better because of his ideas, and to that we can all be thankful. God reclaimed a good one. I’m sure he was needed up there. And I’m sure he has them laughing and learning!