NBC Today Show Interviews Ellis Team in Fort Myers
The Ellis Team was featured on the NBC Today Show regarding the presidential election. Florida has been identified as a battleground state, and the housing market will play a vital role in how people select the next president. The Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and Lehigh Acres area have been identified as the epicenter of what happened in Florida, and NBC wanted to come here and report on what is happening today.
Click here to watch the viddeo. The good news is that home sales were up 80% over July 2007 numbers and up 41% over August 2007 numbers, so even though prices are lower, buyers are back in the market scooping up properties because they are affordable.
Foreclosures have been highest in Cape Coral and Lehigh Acres where speculators built many homes in hopes of flipping to other investors or end users, but the speculators overbuilt for the current demand. Fort Myers has been hit with some foreclosures, but nothing like the Cape Coral and Lehigh Acres area. For detailed statistics on the SW Florida housing market, visit our housing statistics page.
I recently was asked by a relative if I knew about a builder in Florida that was selling $250,000 new homes for $55,000 because he had overbuilt and could not unload them. They said they saw a news release on NBC and needed more information. I am inquiring about that article. Please send any information as my sister in law would buy one of these homes, if this is really true. Thanks!
Need information regarding buying new homes in Florida from a builder that wants to unload them cheap.