I kind of feel bad posting this given the blizzard that’s hitting the Northeast this weekend. While others will have to deal with so much fallout from the blizzard, I want to offer a solution to help those in need. Just take a look at our weather as provided by NBC-2 here in Fort Myers. Chamber of Commerce Weather in SW Florida!

I remember weekends like this back when I lived up North. I longed for the days I could one day call Florida my home. I didn’t know much about Florida only that it looked great on TV and that I was cold and miserable up North in the winters. One day back in high school I got the chance to travel to Fort Myers and visit my great grand-mother. From the minute I arrived I knew SW Florida was my home. I just needed to convince others that’s where we were going.
I graduated from college on a Saturday and within 2 weeks I was in Florida. My mind was made up a few years prior, and that’s how it goes for so many that call SW Florida home. It seems everybody comes here from somewhere. When you visit here they call you a snowbird. When you move here you’re instantly one of us. I say that like I’ve lived here all my life when the truth is I used to be a snowbird too.
And this is where the power of choice comes in. When you’re sitting at home snowed in, or in an airport stranded feeling badly about missing work remember one thing. Where you live is a choice. The pay scale is less in Florida and many can’t afford to move right now because of their jobs. Some don’t want to leave family. There are lots of reasons not to move. Moving isn’t right for everyone.
Many of you are saying I will someday. Bear in mind we each have a set amount of time on this earth, and there is a cost associated with wasting days in places we don’t want to be. So I ask you, how long do you want to live somewhere you don’t want to be? For me the answer was not a day longer than I needed to. It was easy as I didn’t have roots yet of my own, and my family coincidentally had just taken jobs in Florida.
Many decisions go into a move, and housing is just one of them. Work, schools, lifestyle, etc. all play into the decision. Maybe your time to enjoy paradise isn’t today. You can at least dream of paradise and ponder what if. What better time to search for properties in paradise than in the middle of a blizzard, assuming Internet and the power is still on.
So sit back and view some homes. You can search the MLS for free or view our Virtual Tours
Fort Myers Beach Sanibel Island Video
January 2013 SW Florida Market Update: