Official November sales have been released and so far, we can report 4th quarter closed home sales down in SW Florida. We started the year off well. September is when we noticed the largest drop off for the year.

4th Quarter Closed Home Sales

4th Quarter Closed Home Sales

Some people blame the election for slow sales in the 4th quarter. Buyers certainly were holding back during that time period, and that was a common reason given. However, the hurricanes may have played a part too.

Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida on September 26th. While offshore to SW Florida, Helene brought flooding and uncertainty about where she was going to go days before she hit. Only a few weeks later, Hurricane Milton made landfall on October 9th in the Tampa area. Milton came closer to SW Florida than Helene did, and the flooding seemed to be worse.

Both these storms did two things. They impacted some closed sales, and they made buyers think twice about where they wanted to live. Some SW Florida residents grew weary and decided to leave the state altogether. Others decided to move inland more, avoiding the hassle and cost of flooding, and perhaps the higher cost of insurance.


And then there was the election. Nobody knew how that was going to turn out, but people had feelings on both sides. People hold off large purchases when there are unknowns, and typically resume their life when unknowns become known. Regardless of who won, we believe people would go on with their lives. The fear of the unknown is often worse than the reality of the known, even if the desired outcome was not achieved. Now people can move on and deal with facts, even if they do not agree.

Interest Rates

The Fed just cut rates another quarter percent. This hasn’t translated to lower mortgage rates though. In fact, mortgage rates have climbed since the Fed began cutting rates. Many buyers have been waiting for lower rates. Because rates have not cooperated, this may have stalled some home buyers’ decisions.

Next week we’ll have some interesting insight into what buyers may ultimately decide in 2025, and how this could affect home sales. It’s an opinion you probably haven’t read anywhere else, so stay tuned.

Selling Your Home?

Selling a home today requires three things.  Advanced marketing. You’ve got to find a way to make your home stand out. With almost 7,700 single family homes on the market in Lee County, the marketing must work. Secondly, it must be priced correctly. The unfortunate thing is some correctly priced homes still do not sell. Again, marketing matters. Lastly, your Realtor needs advanced data analytics. How do you know where your home needs to be priced if you don’t have analytics on the market?

This isn’t a price it and forget it type of market. The market is changing daily, and sellers need to keep up with the data. Knowing exactly what the market is doing helps you keep one step ahead of other sellers. Remember, your competition isn’t the buyer. It is all the other sellers competing for the same buyers as you.

We hope this weekly article helps you stay attuned to the market. For more advanced analysis, contact Brett Ellis or Sande Ellis at 239-310-6500. We can guide you through the data and marketing maze and get your home sold. When the market makes a move, it pays to know before everyone else. Most sources report the numbers a month or more after they occur, then react. The Ellis Team studies the market daily and provides guidance.

Or, visit for instant automatic valuations. Computers aren’t perfect, but they are fun to track and do offer some insight. Call Sande Ellis or Brett Ellis for the inside scoop when a computer just won’t do.

Good luck, and Happy New Year!

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