We’ve just completed downloading statistics for this years annual State of the Market Report for SW Florida real estate.  We’ve found some interesting statistics we look forward to sharing with you, and some more surprises.

We’ve also been busy attending seminars and presentations from industry experts and economists.  Our report will provide some interesting insight, and may or may not agree with all aspects the many experts you’ll hear explaining the SW Florida real estate market.

We look forward to presenting a clear and concise picture of what is happening in today’s real estate market, provide some history and perspective, and provide a glimpse into the future.

Our report will provide everything you need to know and nothing you don’t.  We are expanding the report in several key areas, and we’ll provide our expert insight as to what it all means when we can.

Much of the data makes perfect sense, and it will become clear when you see it.  Some, quite frankly, is startling and difficult to explain what the true implications mean for the future.  In any event, we’ll lay it out there and let you decide.

It will be released online and to the media at the same time, so please don’t ask for advanced copies.  The data has been compiled, but the report has not, so we couldn’t provide a report today anyway, even though we have some insight as to what the findings are.

Stay tuned and we’ll announce the official release date for the report.  This is the One Report all year you won’t want to miss.  If you are considering buying or selling real estate in SW Florida, you’ll definitely want to read this report.

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